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Classic Vanilla WoW Professions Overview/Guide: Alchemy

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What professions to choose.
0:00 Intro
0:37 Alchemy Description
2:02 Gold Making Recipes
4:07 Rare Recipes
6:51 Flasks
8:34 Transmute with Alchemy
10:00 Conclusion.
11:10 Outro

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Hello everyone, Frost here. Welcome back to a new classic wow video. This is the third episode from the vanilla profession overview series. In our previous episodes we covered the gathering skills and then the armor and weapon crafting professions. Now we had to cover the last 3 primary professions, unfortunately there was just to much information to go over and instead of making a 40 minute long video we split the third episode into 3 parts. Today we’re looking into Alchemy. Without further a due, let’s explore.

Alchemists use herbs to create strange, magical brews that heal, empower, and produce a variety of positive effects – invisibility, elemental resistance, mana restoration, and much, much more. They can also transmute mystic materials into rare and exotic new forms. With their power to create valuable consumables, Alchemists are highly useful to groups and raids. By creating rare materials, Alchemists can make a great deal of money, enable the creation of powerful weapons and armor, and even influence the economy of Azeroth!

-Early game brews like Free Action potion, Arcane elixir, Frost oil and Swiftness potions can make you a decent amount of cash.
-Health and mana potions will be the most consistent niche market for the whole iterration of vanilla with prices for Major mana potions skyrocketing when new content is released.
-Elixir of Shadow power has a very good market value as this will used by warlocks and shadow priests, also you need 10 of them for Dreadsteed warlock epic mount quest.
-Elixir of brute force – This recipe is quite a pain to get. The only place that you can get it is from turning in bloodpetal sprouts in un’goro crater. For every 15 sprouts you turn in you get a brown wrapped package and there is a very slim chance that you will get this recipe.
-Restorative potions – Another good sell on the market, people will buy it when progressing into molten core and even after progession because guilds tend to do speed runs and they dont want to sacrifice mana for decursing.

Overall alchemy is a great profession to have, pair it with herbalism to get most of it. It can help you create potions and buffs to aid you on your leveling journey, making your life smoother. It has a high compatibility with fishing, allowing you to make a variety of fine oils that can be further used on creating powerful brews, thus opening more doors into gold making. Alchemy is considered the best profession in terms of getting rich, altough some people would disagree because sometimes the potions and elixirs will sell on the auction house cheaper than the herbs it requires to make them. In my opinion alchemy is still the best best money maker but just like other professions, you’ll have to do the recipe grind because selling the same basic recipes like everyone else won’t make you any money. Also alchemy requires to have some sort of knowledge in economy or at least being a bit smart and know basic mathematics. Like we said in our previous episode with the armor crafting professions, choose this skill if you have the time and dedication to commit otherwise picking gathering skills might be a better choice for casual game-play.

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WoW Classic Rogue Leveling Guide (Vanilla/Era/SoM)

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WoW Classic Rogue Leveling Guide (Vanilla/Era/SoM)

My quick Guide for Rogue Leveling in WoW Classic Era.

#wowclassic #worldofwarcraft #classicera

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Video Rating: / 5

The Cheapest Way To Level Jewelcrafting From 0 – 200 In New World | Best Guide For lvling Up!

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Want to level up jewelcrafting with spending as little gold as possible? Well
here is the perfect guide for you.
Thank you for watching and see you next video

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Knowledge Points are precious in World of Warcraft Dragonflight professions. Once you spend them, there are no refunds. In this video, I go through everything you need to know about knowledge points in Jewelcrafting: how to get them, what the various specs do, and what you can achieve with your points.

00:00 Introduction to Jewelcrafting
01:30 How to get Jewelcrafting Knowledge Points?
03:25 Jeweler’s Toolset Mastery
03:59 Faceting
04:38 Setting
05:14 Enterprising
05:46 Importance of Toolset Mastery
05:55 Gems
07:26 Necks, Rings, and Idols
08:52 Profession gear
09:19 Prospecting
10:39 Conclusions

My channel provides information on the other side of World of Warcraft. The side that is not Mythic+, raids, or PvP. I explore reputations, quests, world quests, professions, and secrets!

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ULTIMATE Dragonflight Class Picking Guide | World of Warcraft (Lore & Spec Preview for ALL CLASSES)

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Which class should you play in Dragonflight? – ULTIMATE Dragonflight Class Picking Guide | World of Warcraft (Lore & Spec Preview)

Are you stressing out about how little time you have to pick a main before release, or perhaps you’re watching this half way into dragonflight and just wondering which class to level as your next alt?

In this video, I’ll be giving you a preview to every class and spec in the game, including lore and fantasy, a quick word about how each spec plays and their key abilities, their defensive options and the utility they can bring to a group or raid, and their job in each type of content.

This is a full length video of my class series, re-uploaded for people who want to binge the whole series in one go, or put it on their other monitor while they play.


What will you pick?


0:00 – Intro
0:30 – Warrior
5:55 – Hunter
10:41 – Mage
15:54 – Rogue
21:01 – Priest
26:16 – Warlock
31:53 – Paladin
37:23 – Druid
42:12 – Shaman
47:17 – Monk
52:24 – Demon Hunter
57:08 – Death Knight
1:01:49 – Evoker

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I go over what to and what not to do in terms of global cooldown use, and cooldown stacking in this guide. Key spamming is no longer as effective since patch 4.0 because of the new spell que system. If you only use a short que time, I recommend spamming to vegetating.

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10 Best Leveling Zones in World of Warcraft

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From Vanilla, to Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria – what is the best leveling zone out there? And what makes them so great?

If you’d like to suggest a future discussion or “Top 5/10” video, please leave a post over at or upvote the one you want to see made!
Likewise, comments left on reddit may be featured in future videos :-)

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– Fifth expansion for WoW
– Level cap 100
– Updated (new) character models
– Stat changes
– Build and upgrade your garrison
– Item squish
– Group finder
– Instant level 90
– 9 new zones: Frostfire Ridge, Shadowmoon Valley, Gorgrond, Talador, Spires of Arak, Nagrand, Tanaan Jungle, Ashran, Farahlon
– 7 dungeons: Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Blackrock Depot, Auchindoun, Arrakoa Spires, Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, Iron Barracks, Upper Blackrock Spire
– 2 raids: Highmaul, Blackrock Foundry
– Characters: Garrosh Hellscream, Kairoz, Kargath Bladefist (Shattered Hand), Blackhand (Blackrock), Kilrogg (Bleeding Hollow), Ner’zhul (Shadowmoon), Gul’dan (Stormreaver), Grommash (Warsong), Durotan (Frostwolf), Velen, Khadgar, Maraad, Yrel

Legal footnotes
– All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
– “Kool Kats” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Video Rating: / 5

4 BEST Addons in WoW – Get My UI! Installing Addons and Addon Manager Guide | 2022 LazyBeast

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Had quite a few questions about my UI and addons lately so here’s an updated UI video with my Top 4 addons that provide the most value every time I play WoW. Any questions about any other addons you’ve seen, or for help with ElvUi then please ask me in the comments!

Cheers for watching, have a great day! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more WoW Guides and Content!

The links here were taking a while to be available publicly, so check the pinned comment on this video for the import strings! – Thank you
ElvUI Import String:
Threatplates Import String:

Season 4 Gearing Up Guide –


#worldofwarcraft #addon #UI
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From 60 to 70 Level UNDER 1 HOUR! (Not Nerfed)! Fastest Leveling in WoW Dragonflight / GUIDE

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I leveled my Alts characters from 60 level to 70 in 1 hour in WoW dragonflight! Best leveling Route to level up your character from 60 to 70 lvl! Power Leveling Guide for you Alts in Wow Dragonflight ,you can level up your characters even from first level to seventy!

#wowleveling #levelingguide #wowdragonflight

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00:00 70 Level Wow Dragonflight
00:25 Step 1 Location To make leveling faster
00:41 How to get 385 – 395 ilvl gear
01:25 Step 2 Best classes for leveling
01:47 Help With Power Leveling
02:32 How make leveling much faster

While I already have a leveling guide which showcases the fastest 1-70 route in Dragonflight, parts of it require Chromie Time, which is unavailable for new players. Because of this, many viewers have asked me to create a Fresh WoW Account and figure out the fastest way to level when you don’t have access to Chromie Time. Although there is considerable overlap with my standard route, this fresh account path will include a few new zones and slightly alter the order in which you level through each area.

I plan on using this fresh account to do further leveling testing in the future, so if there’s something you’d like to see me try, let me know! I currently only plan on doing one more full run for Alliance, but I’m open to doing additional testing/videos if there’s enough interest.

If you’re looking to level up your characters as quickly as possible, you can find my written Leveling Guide over at my website,

In case you missed the run where I leveled a paladin up to 40 on this account and won the STV Fishing Tourney, you can find it here:

My Discord tag is Harldan# 2316, and as always, you can feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions. You’ll never be bothering me by sending a message, as it usually makes my day when someone reaches out.

I also have a Discord server which I use to post updates about the channel and talk about things I find interesting. If you’d like to join it, you can use this link:

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Level Up Cataclysm Skinning in Under 5 Minutes! – World of Warcraft Guides

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Level Up Cataclysm Skinning in Under 5 Minutes! - World of Warcraft Guides

In this video I will show you the fastest and best way to level Cataclysm skinning! Get max level Cata Skinning in under five minutes!
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Welcome to my World of Warcraft gold making series: Should You Farm It? In this series I will be running various gold farms and reporting back with my findings and opinions so you can decide, should you farm it? Have you ever thought to yourself that you really wanted to start farming WoW gold but you did not know where to start? Are you constantly asking what is the best way to make WoW gold? This World of Warcraft gold making guide series is for you!

What is World of Warcraft?
In World of Warcraft, you play a powerful hero who fights towering monsters, delves perilous dungeons, defends the world of Azeroth against

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Be the hero you want to be. Will you fight as a hulking Tauren Warrior? Or perhaps an inventive Gnome Warlock? The choice is yours—but first, you must pick a side.

Fellowship forged in epic adventure
Through your adventures, you’ll meet others who make Azeroth their home. WoW houses many communities who forge long-lasting bonds of friendship. Whether it’s with a trusted partner at your side, your crew at your back, or a rival in front of you, the spirit of the game brings people together. It’s more than a game… it’s a lifestyle. Join us!

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Reforging is a new feature of Cataclysm which allows you to customise your gear by changing some of the stats around. In this video I show you the beta version of the reforging interface and how you can alter your gear to best suit your needs.
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How To Break WoW Leveling

WOW leveling guide No Comments » – Secrets too hot for youtube are posted here including the one-click leveling strategy mentioned in the video. – Best place to make sure you don’t miss out on my videos (they can get fixed fast).

This video is a comprehensive guide to how to level completely afk in wow ie leveling passively without doing anything at all, even being at your computer.

The anti-afk macro

/run local f=CreateFrame(“Frame”)f:RegisterEvent(“PLAYER_CAMPING”)f:SetScript(“OnEvent”, function() local p=StaticPopup_Visible(“CAMP”)_G[p..”Button1″]:Click()end)

The ULTIMATE Patch 10.1 Guide: EVERYTHING You Need To Know This Week!

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The ULTIMATE Patch 10.1 Guide: EVERYTHING You Need To Know This Week!

Welcome to week 1 of Patch 10.1! In this video, you’ll learn EVERYTHING you need to know about this patch, and how to get the most out of it!
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00:00 Don’t Be Overwhelmed!
00:23 Content Dates & Unlocks
01:28 Upgrades & Currencies
02:48 New Campaign + Rewards
03:42 Mega Useful Catchuo
04:30 Crafted Gear
05:00 Zaralek Cavern Content & Rep
06:09 New Feature – Public Events
04:35 Unearthed Coin Vendor
07:13 The New Weekly Event
07:50 Sniffnseeking
08:55 Bartering System
09:39 Fyrakk Assaults
12:06 Your Weekly ‘Checklist’
13:57 The Onyx Annulet
15:27 Plan Your M+ Upgrade Currencies
16:25 Even More!