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► Check My Dragonflight Gold Guide here:
Hey, in this video I’ll be showing you the new level boosting spot in Dragonflight WoW, to make a lot of gold selling boosts, after the cobalt nerfs!
Dragonflight (Gold Guide)
► Check out my World of Warcraft Dragonflight Gold Guide on Gumroad:
Inside you will get everything you need to know about making gold in WoW, from the best gold making classes, professions, addons, farming spots, secret methods and much more…
Flipping Guide (Retail/Classic)
► Check out my World of Warcraft Flipping Guide here:
Learn how to make money on the auction house by flipping! With my guide you will get my TSM import strings, groups and settings ready for you to import and start flipping right away! Get your Flipping Guide here:
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Although I already have the World Record for 10-60 leveling, I recently discovered a routing change that saves even more time! I figured this called for another speedrun, and since my last one was done as Horde, I decided to do this run as an Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Monk! I managed to reach level 60 in under 4 hours, and 60-70 took exactly 3 hours, making this my new fastest run. Hopefully this also goes to show that my route works for both Horde AND Alliance, and it doesn’t require the Anniversary buff as many people falsely claimed.
If you’re looking to level up your characters as quickly as possible, you can find my written Leveling Guide over at my website,
If you want to watch my Horde 10-60 World Record, you can find it here:
Earlier this week I completed a Guardian Druid 60-70 run in just over 3 hours. While it is SLIGHTLY slower than this run, it’s far less chaotic and I spent a bit more time explaining my thought process behind the 60-70 routing. You can watch it here:
00:00:00 – Explaining The Run
00:02:26 – Time Starts
03:59:17 – Level 60
04:03:40 – Complete and Utter Chaos
07:01:14 – Level 70
My Discord tag is Harldan# 2316, and as always, you can feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions. You’ll never be bothering me by sending a message, as it usually makes my day when someone reaches out.
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#WoW #Warcraft #Dragonflight #Worldofwarcraft #Leveling Video Rating: / 5
This method is the fastest way to level up ur ALT characters for now. u can level up your 60 characters to 70 in 1 hour 30 or less. YOU CAN EVEN DO IT with a LVL 50 CHARACTER and level up to 60 really quick. World of warcraft Dragonflight fastest / quickest leveling / powerleveling so far.
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#worldofwarcraft #dragonflight #wow Video Rating: / 5
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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we grab an alt on World of Warcraft: Dragonflight and start leveling up from scratch following this guys guide: with our brand new Vulpera Rogue!
We’re going to follow a guide that claims to get us to level 60 in only 3 hours and 21 minutes of play, but is it even possible to begin with and if not, just how long WILL it take me to get to level 60 from scratch on this character?
All of this was done as a new player in retail and was used as an excuse to finally level our first alt character of the expansion for future videos.
Guide that I followed (text):,character%20from%2010%20to%2060.
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Raid: Shadow Legends “Christmas 12 Days of Raid” Prize Promotion. Entry is Open to legal residents of THE 50 UNITED STATES AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (EXCLUDING NEW YORK AND FLORIDA), who are 18 years or older. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Open only to NEW users with a valid Player ID that downloaded Raid: Shadow Legends and opened a Game Account after December 1st, 2022. To install Raid: Shadow Legends for Free, click here [links].Downloading Raid: Shadow Legends is subject to Plarium Terms of Use and Privacy Policy( ). In-game purchases are available. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR TO WIN A PRIZE. A PURCHASE DOES NOT IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING A PRIZE. Prizes: in-game items and/or Gift Cards, in the value and number as described in the Promotion Official Rules ( ). Additional Terms may apply on Gift Cards as set forth here ( Prizes will be rewarded randomly, subject to eligibility requirement set forth in the Promotion Official Rules. Promotion Period: December 19th at 00:01 – January 10t at 23:59. Sponsor: Plarium Global Ltd. Administrator: BRAME AG. Personal Data will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Notice ( )
#dragonflight #worldofwarcraft #mmo #mcdoubles #mmorpg #gaming Video Rating: / 5
This is how to make your first MILLION GOLD in WOW
1. Farming Felcloth then turn it into Mooncloth and sell on Auction House.
2. Farm Golden Pearls then sell on Auction House.
3. Farm Warbear Leather and sell on Auciton House.
4. Farm Wildvine herbs from STV and sell on Auction House.
5. Farm Primal Fire from Outlands and sell on Auction House.
6. Farm Primal Mana from Outlands and sell on Auction House.
7. Farm Volatile Water from Twighlight Highlands and Sell on AH.
8. Farm Dark Runes from Corin’s Crossing and Sell on Auction House.
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00:00 Intro
01:10 Fel Cloth / Mooncloth Farm
02:06 Golden Pearls Farm
03:32 Warbear Leather Farm
04:12 Wildvine Farm
05:05 Primal Fire Farm
06:30 Primal Mana Farm
07:26 Volatile Water Farm
08:17 Dark Rune Farm
09:24 Outro
#wowgold #wowgoldmaking #worldofwarcraft Video Rating: / 5
Today we will be going over How To Make Gold In WoW as a Beginner, covering all aspects ( Farming, Crafting, Flipping, Addons ) along with a breakdown on how you can get started.
This is my list of the best addons you need for Dragonflight, World of Warcraft’s newest expansion. Dragonflight mixes up a lot of things with their API and default UI, resulting in a lot of addons that don’t work or are no longer needed. In this video, we go over what I think are the most necessary addons to hit the ground running on launch day!
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Are you looking for an addon that will help you speed up your leveling process? In this video, we’ll be comparing Zygor and Azeroth Pilot to see which is the best addon for you. We’ll also be testing their performance to see which is the fastest way to level your character up. So which addon is the best for you? Watch this video to find out!
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No pressure or obligation! 100% of funds go to supporting the stream so it is better for you all. Video Rating: / 5
Blizzard added the Winds of Wisdom buff to Shadowlands last week, granting players an extra 50% to all experience gains for the rest of Shadowlands.
Now is the time to level a new alt for Dragonflight, or an allied race character for that sweet transmog — or you can wait until Dracthyr Evokers are released, when the XP requirements will be reduced by 60%!
Either way, Llarold has tips for leveling that can help you make the whole process quick and relatively pain-free.
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0:00 Intro
0:41 Winds of Wisdom
4:01 Level 1-10
4:42 Chromie Time
6:03 Dungeons
9:05 Questing
18:16 Shadowlands
20:07 Torghast
24:26 Outro
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In this video we take a look at how players can level most efficiently and quickly on their alt or main characters in World of Wacraft Dragonflight from level 1 to 60. This guide will cover how players can quickly level Horde based characters and races. It will also cover what players can do to prepare for levelling alts and what items they can use to speed up the levelling process. Video Rating: / 5