Discover how to level your World of Warcraft character solo from 1 to 120 the FASTEST way possible on autopilot and stop thinking about what to do next.
Dugi's system for WoW is 100% guaranteed to work for you....just like it has for over 100,000 other gamers before you.
For leveling you’ve got 2 choices. Level the fastest way possible but don’t make much gold or level a little slower and make loads of gold. This video will discuss the most optimal methods!
Make a truckload of Gold and speed your way to max level with the Rested xp gold assistant and leveling guides for Season of Discovery, Dragonflight & Wrath. Discount code “metagoblin” for 5% off:
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Check out the LG Ultragear 27″ 240hz OLED, my new favourite gaming monitor! Sponsored by LG Ultragear.
Oh yes. With changes to Timewalking, a new holiday event, and brand new endgame XP boosts, leveling in World of Warcraft has never felt this quick! Today you’ll learn all you need to know to power level your characters in patch 10.1.7 & beyond!
#LGUltraGear #OLEDGamingMonitor
A new levelling method went viral, so we decided to test it out, in all it’s degen glory! As it stands, this is one of the best ways to level from 60-70, and knock out a few otherwise frustrating achievements along the way.
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Inspired by this post:
00:00 New Leveling Method
02:05 Does It Suck?
06:05 How To
06:58 Don’t Make These Mistakes Video Rating: / 5
Battle Pets in World of Warcraft is my favorite feature and a system I plan to cover alot more of in the future!
Here I explain:
My history with Monster Battle Games, why I like Battle Pets in WoW, why it’s a fantastic system, and
how you can experience the system for yourself
0:00 – Intro
0:44 – and then there were Pets
1:12 – Pokemon/Pokemon Go
3:06 – FFBE Mobile
3:55 – Battle Pets take Hold
-The Game Explained & Why I like it-
4:16 – Aquisition
5:50 – Easiest
6:49 – More Difficult
8:15 – Classic to Current Catches
9:03 – Fight!
9:55 – The Mechanics
12:43 – Strats
13:12 – Content Cadience
14:25 – Evergreen
14:44 – Outro
A comprehensive guide to pet leveling with Super Squirt Day. I’ll show you what it is, my favourite Super Squirt Day team and strategy, Pet Exp buffs that will speed things up, recommended pet add-ons, when future Super Squirt Days are coming and why you should bother leveling pets in the first place.
Notes on Rematch! You can import Rematch ‘strings’ to use saved teams and notes from websites like wow-petguide. You’ll need to have the required pets for the strategy learned and leveled in order to use them- the string just contains team details and notes. You’ll need the Rematch addon installed.
Start by copying the string from your source, either a friend or a listed strategy on In-game, open the Rematch interface by opening your pet journal (default keybind Shift P) and ticking the Rematch box at the bottom of the frame. Right click the ‘General’ tab on the right (or any tab you’d like to save the strategy in) and click ‘Import Teams’. Paste the import string into the field, confirm the tab you’d like to save it in and Save. Rematch can now load the strategy when you target the relevant tamer, and pressing the Notes button on the strategy page will load an in-game window with the play by play pet battle notes ready for you.
To import a TDscript, the process is much the same. Copy the desired script from your source. Open the Rematch interface and find the team in the list, using the search bar if needed. Right click the team listing and choose ‘Write Script’. Paste the script into that field, save, and you’re good to go.
Browse strats for this and other fights, get Rematch Strings and TDScripts at
Get Rematch:
Get tdBattlePetScript:
tdBattlePetScript Rematch (for importing scripts into Rematch teams)
Google Doc predicting Super Squirt dates (not mine)–auVNlqxsNBOxm0Eq-xowjXoOqYTgdVv2V-iV80nGbaibz-x2sKqsE4/pubhtml
0:00 – What is Super Squirt Day?
56:31 – The Team
1:25 – The Strategy
2:38 – XP Buffs.
3:26 – Recommended Addons
4:26 – Why Level More Pets?
5:18 – When is Super Squirt Day?
I also stream on Twitch! If streams are your speed, follow me over at
I found a method how to level fast in world of warcraft dragonflight 10-70 in 4 hours or 60-70 in 1 hour. Fastest leveling & Speed leveling in wow
Powerleveling any levels✅
#WoW #Warcraft #Dragonflight #Worldofwarcraft #Leveling Video Rating: / 5
Welcome to my second wow gold farm mashup video. In this one, we’re only after items that sell quickly, so no transmog items and no toys. Unleash your alt army on Azeroth for a chance at some solid gold.
While I made over 17k per hour, prices can vary, and RNG plays a part as well, so your results may vary.
If you missed my first Alt Army video, you can check it out here –
Here are the waypoints for all mat farms being used in this video:
You can find talent specs, bis lists, rotation advice, as well as all addons and weakauras used in this video on the discord. Here is a video guide on how to easily setup my UI:
If that discord link doesn’t work, try disabling any pop-up or ad blocker you have, or entering the address manually in the discord app. I assure you, the link is NOT expired. You can try this slightly differently formatted link as well:
0:00 Intro
0:32 Weapon Selection
1:24 First Aid & Professions
2:58 Gear Upgrades for Rogues
3:36 Leveling Runes
5:00 Leveling Talents
6:36 Poison Quest
8:37 Deadly Brew Rune Quest
11:45 Outro
Music for this video is provided by Streambeats! This is a very cool organization that provides copyright-free music recordings for use by streamers and content creators like me. Be sure to check them out here:
Music tracks are from the “Sakura Dreams” album and in order are “Golden Age”, “The Warriors”, “Blue River”, “Tokyo Rain”, “Ocha”, “New Road”, and “Night Market”.
WoW Classic SOD Season of Discovery Rogue Leveling Guide Tips and Tricks Deadly Brew Rune Talents Weapons Professions Poison Quest Swords Daggers Bags First Aid Video Rating: / 5
Easy leveling from 10 level to 70 in 4 hours in WoW Dragonflight or 60-70 level in 1.5 hours. Power leveling Guide for your alt characters in World of warcraft Dragonflight 10.1. Fastest leveling in wow
Powerleveling any levels✅
#wowleveling #shorts #wowdragonflight
Links to contact me:
✅Discord: EasyWoW#2982 or (add me as a friend if you have a private discord profile)
✅Telegram: Video Rating: / 5