Easy WoW Gold! Top 8 Ways to Make Gold in BfA
WOW gold tips December 31st. 2018, 10:49pmMake fast, easy WoW gold in BfA! My top 8 ways to farm WoW gold in Battle for Azeroth will help you rack up easy WoW gold in 8.0 and beyond. Making gold in WoW is essential for keeping up with raid consumables, and with the new 5 Million Brutosaur Auctioneer mount added in BfA, there’s better reasons than ever to make gold in WoW. Making WoW Gold got more difficult in Battle for Azeroth with many methods of goldmaking being heavily nerfed, so this video goes through 8 ways to make gold in BfA that are currently working for me.
The fastest way to make gold in WoW is going to depend on how you play the game. The most sustainable model of earning is the one that fits into your WoW BfA playstyle. My eight methods of farming WoW gold in Battle for Azeroth shown here will help you augment the WoW life that you already have to generate more gold income. No one gold making solution is right for everybody, so if a gold making method isn’t working out for you then try something new! All WoW gold numbers shown in this video are approximations that will vary based on your server and the current state of the WoW gold economy. Because not much new gold is being created in WoW in BfA compared to past expansions, the value of gold could change a lot this expansion.
List of potential Warfront contributions here: https://www.wowhead.com/guides/launching-a-warfront-through-contributions#potential-quests
Many of the WoW Gold Making methods shown in this video are improved by or facilitated by the TradeSkillMaster add-on. I consider TSM essential to making lots of gold in WoW, but it’s intimidating to get set up. I’ve been updating my TSM guides for TSM 4! Learn from the beginning here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U8hLuG3QeM&list=PLHBcemKOV_HZIeh3g4E_S_2hdq14YGzF9
Make WoW gold in BfA by making the most of the valuable components in Battle for Azeroth. In BfA, gathering has become more valuable than ever with Herbalism and Mining specifically being lucrative sources of WoW gold. This BfA Gold Guide focuses more on Herbalism than Mining but it you prefer to not take Enchanting or a crafting profession, then mining is a strong choice that lets you increase the amount of gold you can farm while out grinding Herbs for gold. This video was created in World of Warcraft, BfA patch 8.0.
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Today, we’re looking at 4 WoW gold farms your probably missed from 4 awesome youtubers you should go subscribe to.
No.1 – 00:38
Slitherblade Invaders in Desolace
From Sharken808: https://youtu.be/WdS3tfo_U9A
The Slitherblades are lvl 31 to 35 mobs in Desolace and they drop, appropriately, lvl 31 to 35 gear (give or take a couple ilvls). This is the same stuff as Uldaman, so expect mostly mediocre stuff but a few transmog pieces that’ll knock your socks off.
My EZ-Mode Macro
No.2 – 2:29
Flipping Vendor (non-limited supply)
From Organic Gaming: https://youtu.be/GyVeI0XAEMQ
The Gold Queen: https://www.thegoldqueen.com/farming-guides/copper-rod-squad/
With this, we’re flipping vendor stuff. His video covers cooking materials like muskenbutter, but you’re free to do this with anything. Never underestimate how lazy some people are, and position yourself to profit from that (good advice for IRL too that I should start paying attention to, lol). For this, I recommend making a TSM group for this stuff, and experimenting. There’s an addition to TSM called Restock, I believe, that can help you maintain 200 or whatever of each. Useful for ore and herbs as well.
No.3 – 4:04
Khorium Bars
From WTBGold (thatsa mee!): https://youtu.be/Fd-VQ8toeVA
Long story short, Khorium is expensive, so go get it.
TUJ link: https://theunderminejournal.com/#us/stormrage/item/23449
From my tests, you’ll get the least amount in Isle of Quel’danas, but honestly, I still go there cause I like it. It’s easier to farm now that druids have instacast ground mounts.
No.4 – 5:33
1.2 Million Drudge Ghoul Farm
From Hikons: https://youtu.be/0iP7mvK8eRE
This isn’t new anymore so it’s “only” 500k now rather than 1.2m. Whamp whamp. If you’re new to pet farming, you can’t sell the item you actually collect. You have to learn the pet and then cage it in order to put it on the auction house. Watch his video carefully if you haven’t done the grouping thing. I hadn’t and messed up my lockout so be careful, lots of ways to mess up. i.e. Make sure it’s on Normal, toon #1 is in the instance, you haven’t engaged boss XYZ yet, toon #2 is not in the instance, etc
That’s it, these guys are awesome. Let me know if you like this vid and I’ll scour the interweb tubes for more guides.
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