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My wotlk Tailoring guide from 375-450. If you want a leveling guide or farm a lot of gold then make sure to check out
My wotlk Jewelcrafting guide from 375-450. If you want a leveling guide or farm a lot of gold then make sure to check out
► Check out my Goldmaking Guide for Wrath of the Lich King Classic:
This is a Goldmaking Guide I’ve spent several hours, where I share ALL of my Goldmaking Information for Wrath of the Lich King Classic! By purchasing the guide you will also get future updates FOR FREE, and I will keep updating the guide leading up to & during Wrath of the Lich King Classic! So far the guide contains 93 Pages of Goldmaking Information, including wotlk preparations & wotlk investments, wotlk goldfarms & more!
Use code “Solheim” for 50% off!
► Get The BEST Leveling Guide for Wrath of the Lich King Classic from RestedXP!
This is a Leveling Guide Built on Quality by Speedrun World Record Holders in Classic WoW & Wrath of the Lich King Classic and you can try the Addon FOR FREE Before deciding whether or not to buy it!
Link to the spreadsheet:
Make a COPY of the Spreadsheet & edit the numbers to fit your servers prices.
Requirements: Jewelcrafting & Enchanting. 375 skill in each.
A little bit of a steep requirement, but I’ve skilled up JC & Enchanting purely for this and I’ve made my gold back in 1 day and already making huge profits here.
+ JC gets 200+ gold per day from Daily Quest if u sell Dragon’s Eyes, so u make ur gold back quick 😛
The point of this “shuffle”, is to simply buy cheap green gems, cut them into rings & amulets, then disenchant them and sell enchanting materials. You can ofcourse take this one step further and actually craft enchants.
Once again I’ve made a spreadsheet that you can use to calculate your profits, and I’ve even included a gold/hr count here based on how long it takes to do each craft + leaving a 4minute “wiggle room” per hour, so the gold/hr is based on 56mins of crafting / disenchanting.
All you have to do to get your profit-margins & your gold per hour is to edit the prices of the materials on your server. This is also mentioned in the spreadsheet. Edit the price of Lesser Cosmic Essence & Infinite Dust, aswell as each gem.
Profit margins & gold/hr uses calculation functions and will automatically update as you enter your server’s prices.
The “average” gold is based on a 50-50 essence/dust split, and in reality the ratio is 25/75, or 3/22/75, 3% shard, 22% essence, 75% dust, so if you want to be very on point you can do some fancy edits there, I just kept it simple.
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