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Is Jewelcrafting the right profession for you in #Dragonflight? Well you are about to find out. #wow #worldofwarcraft Video Rating: / 5
New World 1-200 Jewel Crafting | Easiest Way Leveling Jewel Crafting To 200
Jewelcrafting is a Crafting Trade Skill in New World. Jewelcrafting allows for the crafting of Trinkets such as Amulets, Rings and Earrings that provide passive bonuses to player characters. Trade Skills are a variety of non-combat skills that the player can invest in and master. Jewelcrafters can also craft Gems that can be affixed to equipment with sockets. Trade Skills belonging to the Crafting category focus on creating a large variety of items ranging from Weapons and Consumables to ammunition and furniture.
Tag :
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Flipping Guide (Retail/Classic)
► Check out my World of Warcraft Flipping Guide here:
Learn how to make money on the auction house by flipping! With my guide you will get my TSM import strings, groups and settings ready for you to import and start flipping right away! Get your Flipping Guide here:
Retail WoW (Gold Guide)
► Check out my Retail WoW Gold Guide on Gumroad:
Inside you will get everything you need to know about making gold in retail WoW, from the best gold making classes, addons, professions, farming spots, secret methods and much more…
*This guide will be constantly updated throughout new expansions of World of Warcraft, adding new methods and information as the content is released into the live game – you will get all future updates sent to your email for free after purchasing the guide once for a lifetime*
My World of Warcraft Guides!
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Best Leveling Guide for DF, WOTLK, Classic WoW Era & The Burning Crusade!
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#worldofwarcraft #dragonflight #wow
It’s slow work, but it’s getting done. Blizzard have made more moves to improve World of Warcraft’s leveling experience.
Pick up our game, The Pale Beyond, 20% off on the Steam Summer sale!
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The Best Addons you need for classic era wow, classic hardcore wow, and world of warcraft overall. ⏬ More Content ⏬
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I have played World of Warcraft since Vanilla first came out and I have loved ALL forms of content: Tanking, Healing, DPS, PVP, Raiding, and especially Mythic Plus Dungeons. Join me on this new channel as we go through this WORLD of Warcraft together!
=== 📍 Credits ===
🖌️ Channel Artists: AvalonInk & Scatter Bug
🖱️ Video Editors: William Byrne
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🎵 Music Credits: Stream Beats by Harris Heller
#WorldofWarcraft #WoW #Dragonflight Video Rating: / 5
Which class should you play in Dragonflight? – ULTIMATE Dragonflight Class Picking Guide | World of Warcraft (Lore & Spec Preview)
Are you stressing out about how little time you have to pick a main before release, or perhaps you’re watching this half way into dragonflight and just wondering which class to level as your next alt?
In this video, I’ll be giving you a preview to every class and spec in the game, including lore and fantasy, a quick word about how each spec plays and their key abilities, their defensive options and the utility they can bring to a group or raid, and their job in each type of content.
This is a full length video of my class series, re-uploaded for people who want to binge the whole series in one go, or put it on their other monitor while they play.
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I go over what to and what not to do in terms of global cooldown use, and cooldown stacking in this guide. Key spamming is no longer as effective since patch 4.0 because of the new spell que system. If you only use a short que time, I recommend spamming to vegetating.
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This beginner guide for Hunters in World of Warcraft gives a basic overview & beginner builds for ALL specs! The video starts by providing a background on the class and its specializations, and then dives into some new-player friendly talent builds! These builds are tailored towards new players looking to get started on a class, allowing them to not only gain an understanding of how to use their class’s rotation works, but also provide an easy and effective talent build that they can use.
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📝 Credits/Disclaimers 📝
● Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
● All trademarks and registered trademarks present in this video are proprietary to their copyright holders, and the inclusion of them in this video does not imply affiliation with Dottz Gaming. The use of the gameplay, audio, video and images in this video and any present in the thumbnail are believed to fall under the “fair use” clause of the United States of America copyright law. If there is an issue with their inclusion in this video (and you’re the copyright holder), please contact Dottz Gaming and the video will be removed at your request. Also, some of the links in the description of this video are affiliate links for Amazon Associates or other affiliate programs, which result in commission earned on qualifying purchases without adding anything to your cost. In addition, this video, as well as all videos on my channel, are not made for kids or under-aged viewers.
#WoW #WorldofWarcraft #dragonflight Video Rating: / 5
A quick Boss Guide for the Primal Council on Normal and Heroic, in the new raid, Vault of the Incarnates, in the new expansion, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.
A guide for Pugs, Lazy Raiders, and people who don’t want to sit through a 10 minute boss guide to know what to dodge. Video Rating: / 5
Catch up fast with the best leveling guide made by Classic’s top speedrunners. I’ve done Loremaster of Northrend 3 times using this, can confirm works very well. Guides for Dragonflight also available! Use Code: WILLE for 5% off!
(I am an affiliate of RestedXP)
Today I do a quick run down of my most used addons for WotLK Classic. These are what I consider the essentials for Classic and should be a good basis for any new or returning player.
There’s so many more good addons other than what I went over here, so do drop recommendations down below!
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Addons (Name format may be different from below)
0:00 Intro
0:44 Addon Manager (CurseForge)
01:34 Rested XP
02:55 Questie
03:14 Leatrix Plus
04:08 Leatrix Maps
04:39 AuctionFaster
05:41 AtlasLoot
06:13 AllTheThings (Classic)
06:42 Inventorian / Bagnon
07:05 DoomCooldownPulse
07:24 ItemRack
08:00 MiniMapButtonBag
08:21 ModernTargetFrame / OmniCC
08:42 ClassicAuraDurations
08:52 Bartender
09:11 DBM
09:24 Details
09:46 WeakAuras (
Songs Used:
#wotlk #wow #mmorpg Video Rating: / 5
🔥Click here to get the CurseForge Desktop app to download and manage your addons It’s the addon manager we’ve been using for years now, and we absolutely love it!
Your journey through 1-60 and 60-70 will be a lot smoother with our Dragonflight leveling guide, regardless if you’re into speed leveling or just want to enjoy the story and the scenery. We make sure there is enough info for everyone from basic dragonflight leveling tips all the way to fast leveling routes covering consumables, chromie time, optimal specs and basically the best ways you can go about on dragonflight leveling 1-60 and 60-70!
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This beginner guide for Rogues in World of Warcraft gives a basic overview & beginner builds for ALL specs! The video starts by providing a background on the class and its specializations, and then dives into some new-player friendly talent builds! These builds are tailored towards new players looking to get started on a class, allowing them to not only gain an understanding of how to use their class’s rotation works, but also provide an easy and effective talent build that they can use!
► WoW Complete Beginner Guide:
► Written Version:
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📝 Credits/Disclaimers 📝
● Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
● All trademarks and registered trademarks present in this video are proprietary to their copyright holders, and the inclusion of them in this video does not imply affiliation with Dottz Gaming. The use of the gameplay, audio, video and images in this video and any present in the thumbnail are believed to fall under the “fair use” clause of the United States of America copyright law. If there is an issue with their inclusion in this video (and you’re the copyright holder), please contact Dottz Gaming and the video will be removed at your request. Also, some of the links in the description of this video are affiliate links for Amazon Associates or other affiliate programs, which result in commission earned on qualifying purchases without adding anything to your cost. In addition, this video, as well as all videos on my channel, are not made for kids or under-aged viewers.
#WoW #WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands Video Rating: / 5
Your WoW UI is how you know what to do in-game. So, we’ve created two easy-to-install profiles that get you an ideal setup for Shadowlands. Find them here:
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#WotLK #WoW #WoWClassic
Toyhouze earns from qualifying purchases. Video Rating: / 5
Although I love endgame raiding in World of Warcraft, I’ve been told by countless people that they find catching up to be extremely difficult and tedious. With the recent announcement of WoW’s upcoming Dragonflight expansion, I’d imagine that many new and returning players will be considering giving Shadowlands a shot. In order to help making the entry process into WoW’s endgame easier, I put together this short video which will go over the important steps you should take in order to get caught up.
00:00 – Introduction
00:42 – Leveling to 60
00:59 – Choosing a Covenant
01:39 – Increasing Renown
02:07 – Zereth Mortis Campaign
02:32 – BoA Anima Gear
02:45 – Covenant Callings
03:25 – Torghast
03:42 – Conduit Upgrades
04:22 – Finishing The Campaign
04:59 – Soulbinds
05:23 – 262 Crafted Gear
05:59 – The Secret Treasure Room
06:15 – Dungeons and Raids
06:37 – The Great Vault
06:59 – Conclusion
If you’re only just starting the game and haven’t reached Level 60 yet, I’d recommend checking out my leveling guides.
This video has a guide for 1-50 Leveling:
This video has a guide for 50-60 Leveling:
And this document is a written version of both guides compiled into a single place:
If you want to learn how to craft your own piece of 262 Gear, you should check out this video:
My video on “The Secret Treasure Room in Zereth Mortis” will tell you everything that you need to know in order to get 5 pieces of 246 item level gear. You can find that video here:
If you want to learn more about Legendary Crafting in Shadowlands, you should watch this video:
If you’re interested in finding out how to craft your own Tier Set pieces, you can learn more here:
My Discord tag is Harldan# 2316, and as always, you can feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions. You’ll never be bothering me by sending a message, as it usually makes my day when someone reaches out.
I also have a Discord server which I use to post updates about the channel and talk about things I find interesting. If you’d like to join it, you can use this link:
#WoW #Warcraft #Shadowlands #Worldofwarcraft #EternitysEnd #Dragonflight Video Rating: / 5