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Shadowlands has here, and after a wild journey on beta, it’s finally time for our guide on 50-60 leveling!
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Even now that pre-patch is live, leveling is extremely fast – here’s how to do it.
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0:00 Intro
2:00 Changes To Leveling & Some Tips
5:33 Preparation – Enchants, Items & Addons
8:33 Cataclysm!
12:11 TBC, Wrath and Mists
12:24 Warlords of Draenor (Post-Nerf!)
13:07 Legion
15:00 Battle For Azeroth
15:21 My Fastest Run – Route, Tactics, Optimisations
21:53 Closing
In this video I’ll be explaining every single class in world of warcraft for you. The purpose of this video is to help you beginners out there in your decision making process. Your first wow character is always important and you’ll remember it even after years. So let’s find out which class you should play!
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Do you want to watch more videos ?
-Class Choosing Guide
-Easy Mounts You Can Get!
Sections For Each Class
0:00 Introduction
0:50 Roles In Game
2:25 Demon Hunter Class Info.
04:00 Deathknight Class Info.
05:52 Druid Class Info.
07:55 Hunter Class Info.
09:30 Mage Class Info.
11:19 Monk Class Info.
12:52 Paladin Class Info.
14:45 Priest Class Info.
16:33 Rogue Class Info.
18:30 Shaman Class Info.
20:17 Warrior Class Info.
22:05 Warlock Class Info.
23:47 That’s where you need to click the “subscribe” button.
-These are the places where you can find detailed class/spec guides for all classes
-Class/Race information lists,weapons for each class information is taken from where you can find more and indepth knowledge of world of warcraft.
-Full list of class/race availability can be found here if you want to see it in a graph
-Blizzard’s own playable classes list (my script contains parts from these) if you want to see the whole thing.
#Worldofwarcraft #Wow #Wowbestclass #WowClassGuide Video Rating: / 5
AngryAssignments provides a convenient way to store and share assignments for different bosses, allows editing by multiple people, and is able to display the information to raiders in a configurable format.
You need to see ‘Angry Assignments’ as a sort of notepad while you are raiding. So for example, I was fighting Ursoc and I wanted to keep an eye on the tactics I can still do that because it will always be displayed on my screen.
To open up the addon, hit ESC – Interface and then click on Addons at the top and there you select Angry Assignments.
From there on you can start messing around with the settings like I show in the video.
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In this week’s episode, Bellular will walk you through how to level up your character and unlock mounts!
Are you new to World of Warcraft or returning after a long break?
Bellular’s New & Returning player guides will get you up to speed!
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In World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth the seventh expansion to Blizzard Entertainment’s acclaimed massively multiplayer online role-playing game, the fall of the Burning Legion sets off a series of disastrous incidents that reignites the conflict at the heart of the Warcraft® saga.
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Hey Guys and Gals! Today we are going over A guide for jewelcrafting! Today i will teach you how to flip ore and make a profit doing it. Its late into the expansion and its the right time to do the Gem flip! This will work for 8.2 , 8.2.5 and beyond!
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Auction House & Raw Gold Farm! 5k-40k Gold In 30 Mins!
In this video I explain how to setup the WorthIt gold making addon along with the TradeSkillMaster addon.
WorthIt is an Addon that determines the value of a gold farm before you start the gold farm. With it’s simple to use UI you are able to choose from either Skinning, Herbalism and Mining. Once pressed it will go through averages of each farm and create a list within you’re chat window providing you with estimates based upon the value of your servers market so you will be able to see roughly what you will make per hour on that specific gold farm.
WorthIt needs TradeSkillMaster 3 or 4 with a minimum of the following modules:
TradeSkillMaster (core)
TradeSkillMaster_AuctionDB – TSM 3 only (for AuctionDB price sources)
Set Up:
1. Setup your realm at the TradeSkillMaster website
2. Install the required addons
3. Launch your TradeSkillMaster Application
4. Go in-game and start using the addon
In this video I show you how to install and update addons for World of Warcraft.
You have two ways to install addons for World of Warcraft. One of them is to install your addons automatically via the Twitch application or another way is to install them manually.
I personally prefer to install my addons automatically via the Twitch application. However, sometimes it can be necessary to perform a manual install.
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Patch 8.3 has a lot of dailies, so here are some addons to help you get them done a bit faster (and some other good addons too).
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I’ma do it, do it
Like I wanna do it
Rollin’ alt toons like I ain’ never played ’em before
I’ma ding it, ding it
Til I’m in it, in it
I’m gon’ level like I ain’ never played ’em before
Level, level, level, level
Level, level, level, level
Level, level, level, level
I’m gon’ level like I ain’ never played ’em before
these quests, brand new
I guess, I’ll queue
for a dungeon, big loot
hit 90 just a few, uh
past fans, and vets, they said, the end,
was near (ha), forget them,Â
see a lot of things changed since then
don’t they know that this a tight expansion
Brand new quest chains
Brand new factions
i take advantage of all this action
got the perk, so im gonna level fast and
Imma get that cloud serpent and yep this is a keeper
Slayin’ on it, praying’ on it like a grim reaperÂ
grabbing all these battle pets, add dis creature
w00t! Pandaria! Are you an achiever?
I’ma do it, do it
Like I wanna do it
Rollin’ alt toons like I ain’ never played ’em before
I’ma ding it, ding it
Til I’m in it, in it
I’m gon’ level like I ain’ never played ’em before
Level, level, level, level
Level, level, level, level
Level, level, level, level
I’m gon’ level like I ain’ never played ’em before
New Mounts, New Gear, New Pets, New Tier
going pro, way of wok
maxed my skills cuz why the fuck not? uh..
 new spells, stampede! power shot! Indeed!
Bind it up, on keys
Let me tell ya bout the brewery quick ohhhh
Hozen in the booze with no pity
Stormstout brews, messed up and all shitty
Ook gone apeshit now
all up on my kittyÂ
Lots of new quest line hype you’ll be hitting
Imma get that cloud serpent and yep this one a keeper
Slayin’ on it, praying’ on it like a grim reaper
grabbing all these battle pets, look at this weird creature
w00t! Pandaria! Are you an achiever?
I’ma do it, do it
Like I wanna do it
Rollin’ alt toons like I ain’ never played ’em before
I’ma ding it, ding it
Til I’m in it, in it
I’m gon’ level like I ain’ never played ’em before
Level, level, level, level
Level, level, level, level
Level, level, level, level
I’m gon’ level like I ain’ never played ’em before
Let me keep going, baby till I’ve beat the end
That’s my only wish
I’ll be capped and start it over again
Til I’m bored of this
I’ma do it, do it
Like I wanna do it
Rollin’ alt toons like I ain’ never played ’em before
I’ma ding it, ding it
Til I’m in it, in it
I’m gon’ level like I ain’ never played ’em before
Level, level, level, level
Level, level, level, level
Level, level, level, level
I’m gon’ level like I ain’ never played ’em before
How to Level Jewelcrafting 1-525 Fast, Easy, & FREE!
What’s up guy and girl players of WoW. Tarou here from the best free profession leveling and goldmaking website in the world, bringing you an awesome video on how to easily level Jewelcrafting to 525.
To get started you’ll want a budget of around 12,000 gold more or less depending on your server’s economy. To make things easier, here is a list of all the materials I suggest to have. You may need more or less or even different ones depending on how you level but, remember if you over-buy, you can just sell back the extras on the Auction House. Also, if you have Mining or want to level it and Jewelcrafting for almost free, my leveling video and guide go side by side with this for the most part so, check my website or youtube channel. After you get all your mats taken care of, go to the closest trainer which can be found by talking to a guard in any major city. Once there, learn apprentice Jewelcrafting. JC is great to have for many reasons like gold making and plus 81 stat through JC only epic gems or 123 stamina….
This video will teach you:
How to make gold in patch 4.3
How to make gold with jewelcrafting
How to level jewelcrafting 1-525
How to level jc free
How to level jc
How to get jewelcrafting to 525 fast and easy
How to use the Auction House
How to play World of Warcraft
How to level jewelcrafting 1-525 fast and easy
How to play World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Special thanks to all my friends, subscribers, Adobe, Blizzard, Fraps, and anyone I left out (^_^)v.
Intro/Outro & Transitions by
Guild: Obsidian Spur
Server: Sargeras – US
AH Addons: Auctioneer, Auctionator, APM, Postal
Addons: DBM, Recount, Omen