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Classic WoW: Mage Leveling Guide (Talents, AOE Grinding, Wand Progression, Tips & Tricks)

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Infra’s Classic WoW Mage Guide:

Dalaran Tome of Knowledge Mage Guide:

Mage Talent Calculator:

1-60 Horde Leveling Guide:

1-60 Alliance Leveling Guide:

Vanilla (1-60) Alliance Leveling Guide

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Classic WoW Gold Guide, Professions Edition – Tips & Tricks from Rags to Riches

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Classic Vanilla WoW gold guide, How to make gold with professions, setting up a business, Tips and tricks to make stable income.

0:07 Intro
1:07 First Method
3:40 Details for crafting with professions for first method.
5:11 Total gold/hour first spot
5:50 Second gold making method
7:53 Details for the second method
8:59 Total gold second spot
9:27 Outro

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Classic WoW release is just around the corner, It’s going to be the best MMO for 2019 and beyond.
Welcome back to a new episode of rags to riches. In our previous episode we covered one of the high end grinding spots in Azshara, and due to the overwhelming amount of grinding we recently did on this channel, today’s video is going to be a bit different but still with the same core idea, making gold in classic wow. Sometimes, to much grind tends to burn you out and the approach for this guide is to use professions as an alternative way to get similar gold gains to a top grinding spot. The requirement for this guide are 3 professions: Alchemy, Herbal-ism and Fishing. Keep in mind that the methods i’m going to show are suited even for low level players that seek to make an extra buck for the mount at level 40, learning spells from trainers or even purchasing some upgrades from the auction house.

Today, we’re going to journey into the wetlands in order to collect the materials required for the free action potion. One of the most powerful mixtures when used right, Free action potions

The average price for the straglekelp is between 5 and 10 silver each, usually more expensive for the alliance due to limited access to barrens.
The Fire oil goes for about 25 silver consistent as this is used by player to power level alchemy and the the free action potion sells for 1 to 3 gold, depending on the servers economy but most of the times you’ll find it for slightly under 2 gold and early game slightly above 1 gold. Calculated all the potion at 1.50 and made a total of 39 gold/ hour without including the crafting times. Now, taking into consideration the fact that this method can be used as early as level 30, the numbers are pretty impressive. If your profession of choice are not alchemy and herbal ism you could always level an alt to lets say, 40… train these skills and have an alternative way of making gold in classic world of worcraft. Since we are on this topic, lets explore another method of making gold with the same professions.

As we reach the end of this episode, I would like to remind you that this video was made to show the full potential of using professions while leveling to 60 and beyond. How knowledge about things in game can increase your income significantly.

#Frostadamus #Classicwow #Ragstoriches

Today we’ll look at a tip from a millionaire and 3 tips on how to make gold in WoW.


Limited Supply Vendor Runs:
Dalaran Limited Supply Vendor Run, Route and Guide –
Ironforge Limited Supply Vendor Run, Route and Guide –
Outlands Limited Supply Vendor Run, Route and Guide –

Mist of Pandaria Battle Pets:
WowHead Pandaren Spirit Tamer Guide –
I recommend using the addon Pet Battle Teams if you’re going to do any regular pet battling. It saves 3-pet compositions with abilities and everything so you can just click on “Flowing Pandaren Spirit” and it automatically fills in the pets you normally kill it with.

I was going to create and try to host a spreadsheet, but Sterling already did most of the work for me. Take thing and adjust it as you see fit.
Sterling’s full guide on the Consortium is available here.[tsm2]-smelting-mastery-guide.html
There’s also a few really neat things you’ll be able to do with TSM 3 and ore/bar posting that you haven’t been able to do before so get in on that and make sure to check out premium! (I don’t get a cut or anything. The TSM guys are just awesome)

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BfA Professions Tailoring & Enchanting | WoW Gold | 5 Million Challenge

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Samadan’s WoW Twitch Stream. A new adventure begins in the Battle for Azeroth! I will still be working toward the 5 Million Gold Challenge for the Brutosaur AH mount in BfA using professions and farming – #RoadTo5Million

Timecodes to topics in video …

Mail & AH – 1:52
BfA Professions – Tailoring & Enchanting – 31:30
BfA Questing – 1:11:00
Tshirt Giveaway – 1:46:47
Back to AH – 1:58:59

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