Archive for the tag: Easiest

I Found the Easiest Way ANYONE Can Level in World of Warcraft (get to level 70 in just 3 hours)

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Have you ever wanted to level a character in World of Warcraft without needing to any quests, queue for any dungeons, or fight any mobs? Well do I have a strategy for you! You don’t have to be a top 1% to use this leveling method! Just follow my guide and you’ll be level 70 in WoW in no time!

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0:00 Intro
2:06 Where not to go.
2:54 Levels 10 to 20
4:06 Levels 21 to 30+
5:26 Levels 30+ to 40
5:57 Levels 40 to 50+
7:28 Levels 50+ to 60
8:22 Levels 60 to 70

#gaming #worldofwarcraft #guide
Video Rating: / 5

Easiest Class To Play in Shadowlands 9.0 TIER LIST

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0:00 – Intro
1:28 – Easy ranged
3:30 – Moderate ranged
6:05 – Difficult ranged
7:50 – Easy healing
8:51 – Moderate healing
11:07 – Difficult healing
12:18 – Easy melee
13:58 – Moderate melee
16:30 – Difficult melee
17:16 – Recap

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Asmongold completes the ultimate WoW tier list, rating ALL World of Warcraft races and Class Specs from best to worst, including in this tierlist:

Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren, Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll, Blood Elf, Goblin, Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarf, Kul Tiran, Mechagnome, Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Mag’har Orc, Zandalari Troll, Vulpera

[Demon Hunter (DH)]: Havoc and Vengeance
[Death Knight (DK)]: Blood, Frost and Unholy
[DRUID]: Balance, Feral, Guardian and Restoration
[HUNTER]: Marksmanship, Beast Mastery and Survival
[MAGE]: Arcane, Fire and Frost
[MONK]: Brewmaster, Mistweaver and Windwalker
[PALADIN]: Holy, Protection and Retribution
[PRIEST]: Discipline, Holy and Shadow
[ROUGE]: Assassination, Outlaw and Subtlety
[SHAMAN]: Elemental, Enhancement and Resoration
[WARLOCK]: Affliction, Demonology and Destruction
[WARRIOR]: Arms, Fury and Protection

World of Warcraft Races – Tier List 0:00
World of Warcraft Class Specs – Tier List 23:47

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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold

â–º Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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The Easiest & Fastest Way to Level Alts in Shadowlands

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Today we’ll take a look at The Easiest & Fastest Way to Level Alts in Shadowlands! This is done by using Threads of Fate, and running dungeons! However, before you do that, in order to level up as fast as possible, you’ll want to grab each of the Zone Quests and Dungeon Quests to give yourself more exp! By doing this you can level alts super fast and super easy!

â–ºGet the Zero to Goldcap Guide 50% off with the code “Solheim”!​
The support on this Affiliate Partnership has been insane so far and I’m so happy to give you guys a 50% discount on a product I really believe in! Make sure you check it out if you haven’t already!

0:00 Intro
0:32 Ardenweald Quests
3:12 Bastion Quests
4:52 Maldraxxus Quests
6:20 Revendreth Quests
8:09 Why Level Alts
10:47 Herbalism & Mining
11:47 World Quests
12:49 Extra Advice
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#wow #shadowlands #level
Video Rating: / 5

World of Warcraft: Easiest Profession? Maxing Cooking In 15 Minutes!

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It turns out that cooking is pretty easy in World of Warcraft.
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After recently leveling up my fishing to the max level of 700 I decided it was about time to level up cooking as well. I gutted all the fish I caught and leveled up cooking to the highest level in the game in just under 15 minutes.

AddOns used:
– Auctionator
– Chatter
– DynamicCam Lite
– Fishing Buddy
– MoveAnything
– Postal
– Scrap
– Storyline

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World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Blizzard Entertainment. It is set in the fantasy Warcraft universe. World of Warcraft: Legion is the sixth expansion. In this “Let’s play World of Warcraft” series I play my first Horde.
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