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🚀 Use this guide to level SUPER FAST and FIND EVERY RUNE:
#classicwow #wowclassic #worldofwarcraft Video Rating: / 5
Hey Guys, So I decided to make a World of Warcraft Beginners guide because there’s just so much to do whenever you start playing World of Warcraft for the first time. So much that a lot of people actually get overwhelmed and as someone that has been playing world of warcraft for over 15 years now I wanted to make a video to help y’all out. What I’ll be doing in this video is going over the things I think are most important to know as a new player and just try to explain it in a short and simple way.
There’s so much you will have to deal with in retail wow at the moment, kinda too much actually but I’ll try to cover all the most important things. Things like: Leveling, Questing, Realms, Factions, The easiest classes for a new player, Races, Keybindings and options in world of warcraft, dungeons, battlegrounds, which addons to use as a new player, proffesions, raids, transmog, mythic plus and much more! At the end of the video I hope you will atleast know the basics as a new player when it comes to world of warcraft Dragonflight. Now if the new War Within expansion that will launch this year doesn’t bring major changes this guide will be valid until atleast the end of this year but otherwise I’ll update it if needed 🙂
Anyway I hope this Ultimate World of Warcraft Beginners Guide 2024 helps you out a lot!
If it did and you want to support the channel don’t forget to subscribe, like the video and if you have any questions/suggestions or feel like I missed something important that a new player might want to know just lemme know in the comment section below.
Thanks for watching!
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Gold Cap in 5 days from 0 – War Within Gold Gap Guide
My journey in the War Within that ended up with me hitting gold cap in under 5 days at the start of the expansion. I started from 0, with no help and we had various hiccups on the way but plenty of lessons to be learnt as to how to approach this in the future.
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These are World of Warcraft gold making videos. Please be aware prices may change and differ from server to server. Additionally please check the upload date on all videos as the information provided in this video may be out of date by th time you see it. prices are constantly changing on the auction house all the time.
The following great resources may have been used during this video as a source of data and/or screenshots.
World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: The War Within is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. All gameplay and footage remains the property of Blizzard Entertainment.
Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!
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I’m Kaychak a World of Warcraft Billionaire who want’s to help you earn all the gold you could ever want. I do this by providing wow gold guides, farming guides and some of the best gold making tips around. Tweets by kaychakeu
#wowgoldmaking #wowgoldfarm #wowgold Video Rating: / 5
00:00 What Does It Mean To Tank
3:10 What Tank to Main – Tank Classes & Specializations
17:28 Fundamentals – Threat Management
24:17 Fundamentals – Mitigation & Damage Types
30:49 Fundamental – Positioning and Grouping Mobs
39:30 Fundamental – Movement as a Tank
45:54 Gearing a Tank
50:14 Talent Builds and Rotation
56:33 Addons and Macros
1:20:44 Mythic+ Tanking Nuances
1:33:31 Nuances of Raid Tanking
1:40:08 Advanced Tanking Techniques and Mindsets
1:47:56 Tank Support and Final Words
Hey guys, Blizzard recently released the 20th anniversary patch for World of Warcraft. The 20th anniversary event is great for those that want to quickly level up a new character to lvl 80. During this event we get a 20% xp buff and we are able to queue up for timewalking dungeons right from the moment we hit lvl 10 which is awesome. Besides the 20% xp buff we also get multiple other xp buffs from all kinds of sources. You can eventually, when DMF is up even hit 85% increased xp. Because of this I figured that it was time to make a ”special” 20th anniversary leveling guide video which will get you to lvl 80 in no time. For those that did not know, you can make a Drakthyr and have it be a different class than a evoker. So now might be a good time to level that Drakthyr Warrior 😀
As many of you know I like leveling a lot. Right now I have around 100 level 70’s and around 20 80’s. So what I want to do is show you guys how I level up from level 1-80 in around 6 hours during this 20th anniversary event! It could be even faster if you get the Hallow’s End / Darkmoon Fair buff when it’s up.
As always I tried to keep this video short and easy to follow for new players but also long time players.
Leveling up to level 70 in the war within during the 20th anniversary event can be done very very fast and easy right now. It can easily be done under 4 hours. Even level 70-80 can be done pretty fast and easy right now by just spamming timewalking dungeons. I expect this leveling guide to stay relevant till the anniversary event is over but if anything might change i’ll leveling guide video for you guys.
Just some extra information:
There is a potion which increases your xp gain by another 10%, this potion is called the draught of the ten lands. In World of Warcraft there is also a event called the Darkmoon Faire and this will award you also with a extra 10% increased xp buff so keep your eye open for that as well.
Until november 8th you will also be able to get an extra 10% xp buff from the Hallow’s End event
Anyway I hope this fast and easy 1-80 wow leveling guide video helps you out a lot!
If it did and you want to support the channel don’t forget to subscribe, like the video and if you have any questions/suggestions just lemme know in the comment section below.
Thanks for watching and enjoy the 20th WoW Anniversary!
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Hallow’s End 10% XP Buff Alliance:
Hallow’s End 10% XP Buff Horde:
Perfect Jewels give either 3 power, 31 defense, or 6 of a secondary stat. 8-10 of them can be socketed (whether you use amulet or not), which allows for insane buffs compared to before the update. This increases the maximum power from 133 to 157.
It takes 100-167 gems and 500-835 reagents to max jewelcrafting, depending on the tier of reagents used.
“Coppershroom coppershroom coppershroom coppershroom i need more coppershroom coppershroom” Video Rating: / 5
Want to start playing World of Warcraft, but don’t know where to begin? This Complete Beginner’s Guide to World of Warcraft will teach you everything that the Tutorials do not. How to join a guild, how to run dungeons, and how to pick your class. I cannot wait to see you on Azeroth!
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New Player, Wow introduction, beginner’s guide, tutorials, tips, top 10, Complete Guide, Everything you need to know to play wow, World of warcraft introduction, world of warcraft, wow dragonflight, how to play world of warcraft, world of warcraft tutorial, world of warcraft tutorial 2023, How to play wow 2023 ,how to play wow for free 2023, all world of warcraft classes, complete beginner’s guide, absolute beginners guide, wow, azoroth, warcraft, Dragonflight, how to play dragonflight, guide to dragonflight, wow guide, noob guide, wow help, wow top 10, wow lingo, mmorpg, how to make gold in wow, new player, new, new to wow, alliance, horde
► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide for The War Within:
This Guide will help you maximize your profits in The War Within by showing you specific Profession Builds, Goldfarms, and various Goldmaking Secrets I’ve picked up from Alpha & Beta, aswell as years of making gold in World of Warcraft! The guide also comes with access to an exclusive goldmaking community, where I will share early access to videos, exclusive videos, aswell as dive deeper into goldmaking!
This guide is also a one-time-purchase, and you will get any future updates sent to you directly by email FOR FREE!
You can use the code “Solheim” to get the guide for 50% off!
Buying my War Within Goldmaking Guide also comes with access to the Dragonflight Goldmaking Guide FOR FREE, helping you get prepared for the upcoming expansion!
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Zygor is The ULTIMATE Addon For Retail WoW, and has Guides for Questing, Leveling, Goldmaking, Goldfarming, Achievement-Hunting, Reputations, you name it! This guide has pretty much everything and will definitely help you in your journeys through The War Within!
► Get The BEST Leveling Guide for Classic WoW from RestedXP!
This is a Leveling Guide Built on Quality by Speedrun World Record Holders in Classic WoW & Wrath of the Lich King Classic and you can try the Addon FOR FREE Before deciding whether or not to buy it! They have 2 separate guides for Classic Era, one based on speedleveling, and one based on getting to level 60 as safe as possible, making it PERFECT for Official Hardcore Servers!
The War Within is the new expansion for World of Warcraft, and it is my goal to help you in The War Within in any way that I can. Whether that be choosing a main for the war within, the war within goldmaking, the war within goldfarms, wow goldfarms, goldmaking secrets, any information I have will be shared in videos. I specialize in Goldmaking content and will therefore be covering a lot of The War Within Gold Aspects, such as Goldfarms, The War Within Professions and how to maximize your goldmaking potential from them, and so on.
Social Media!
Hey guys, It’s been a week since The War Within launched and with every new expansion everyone will be leveling up their characters again. A new expansion also brings in new players and players that have quit WoW before but want to come back. So I figured that it was time to make a new and updated fast 1-80 wow leveling guide video.
I’ve been leveling up a lot of characters to max level back in Dragonflight. Right now I have around 101 level 70’s and around 7 80’s. So what I want to do is show you guys how I level up from level 1-70 in around 10 hours! It could be even faster if the gods are with you.
As always I tried to keep this video short and easy to follow for new players but also long time players.
Leveling up to level 70 in the war within can be done very fast and easy right now. It can easily be done under 5 hours without any xp buffs. Even level 70-80 can be done pretty fast and easy right now. I expect this leveling guide to stay relevant till the next expansion but if anything might change i’ll make a new fast and easy 1-80 leveling guide video for you guys.
Just some extra information:
During the 20th anniversary of World of Warcraft you’ll probably get a extra 20% xp increase buff for a couple of weeks which makes it even go faster. So keep an eye out for the 20th anniversary for world of warcraft. There is also a potion which increases your xp gain by another 10%, this potion is called the draught of the ten lands. In World of Warcraft there is also a event called the Darkmoon Faire and this will award you also with a extra 10% increased xp buff so keep your eye open on small events like that as well.
Anyway I hope this fast and easy 1-80 wow leveling guide video helps you out a lot!
If it did and you want to support the channel don’t forget to subscribe, like the video and if you have any questions/suggestions just lemme know in the comment section below.
Thanks for watching and enjoy the new expansion!
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0:00 – Overview
4:43 – Best Frost Mage Hero Talents
8:46 – Best Mage & Frost Talents
10:50 – Best Frost Mage PvP Talents
12:23 – Best Frost Mage Race
13:56 – Best Frost Mage Gear
17:09 – Best Frost Mage Macros
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Concepts: wow pvp,the war within pvp,the war within frost mage pvp guide,the war within frost mage pvp,the war within frost mage hero talents,the war within frost mage guide,the war within frost mage macros,the war within frost mage gear,the war within frost mage race,the war within frost mage pvp talents,the war within best class,tww frost mage,tww frost mage pvp,tww frost mage guide,tww frost mage hero talents Video Rating: / 5
This channel is the passion project of a lifelong gamer. I am a nerd at heart who has a weird obsession for numbers, sales and marketing (hence enjoying making gold in Warcraft!)
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