Archive for the tag: Hours

I Found the Easiest Way ANYONE Can Level in World of Warcraft (get to level 70 in just 3 hours)

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Have you ever wanted to level a character in World of Warcraft without needing to any quests, queue for any dungeons, or fight any mobs? Well do I have a strategy for you! You don’t have to be a top 1% to use this leveling method! Just follow my guide and you’ll be level 70 in WoW in no time!

If you want to see more content like this, make sure you subscribe! I would much appreciate it!

0:00 Intro
2:06 Where not to go.
2:54 Levels 10 to 20
4:06 Levels 21 to 30+
5:26 Levels 30+ to 40
5:57 Levels 40 to 50+
7:28 Levels 50+ to 60
8:22 Levels 60 to 70

#gaming #worldofwarcraft #guide
Video Rating: / 5

Fast & Easy 1-80 Solo Leveling Guide | WoW 20th Anniversary Edition – Level 80 in 6ish Hours!

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Hey guys, Blizzard recently released the 20th anniversary patch for World of Warcraft. The 20th anniversary event is great for those that want to quickly level up a new character to lvl 80. During this event we get a 20% xp buff and we are able to queue up for timewalking dungeons right from the moment we hit lvl 10 which is awesome. Besides the 20% xp buff we also get multiple other xp buffs from all kinds of sources. You can eventually, when DMF is up even hit 85% increased xp. Because of this I figured that it was time to make a ”special” 20th anniversary leveling guide video which will get you to lvl 80 in no time. For those that did not know, you can make a Drakthyr and have it be a different class than a evoker. So now might be a good time to level that Drakthyr Warrior 😀

As many of you know I like leveling a lot. Right now I have around 100 level 70’s and around 20 80’s. So what I want to do is show you guys how I level up from level 1-80 in around 6 hours during this 20th anniversary event! It could be even faster if you get the Hallow’s End / Darkmoon Fair buff when it’s up.

As always I tried to keep this video short and easy to follow for new players but also long time players.

Leveling up to level 70 in the war within during the 20th anniversary event can be done very very fast and easy right now. It can easily be done under 4 hours. Even level 70-80 can be done pretty fast and easy right now by just spamming timewalking dungeons. I expect this leveling guide to stay relevant till the anniversary event is over but if anything might change i’ll leveling guide video for you guys.

Just some extra information:
There is a potion which increases your xp gain by another 10%, this potion is called the draught of the ten lands. In World of Warcraft there is also a event called the Darkmoon Faire and this will award you also with a extra 10% increased xp buff so keep your eye open for that as well.
Until november 8th you will also be able to get an extra 10% xp buff from the Hallow’s End event

Anyway I hope this fast and easy 1-80 wow leveling guide video helps you out a lot!

If it did and you want to support the channel don’t forget to subscribe, like the video and if you have any questions/suggestions just lemme know in the comment section below.

Thanks for watching and enjoy the 20th WoW Anniversary!

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Hallow’s End 10% XP Buff Alliance:

Hallow’s End 10% XP Buff Horde:

Heirloom vendor Alliance:

Heirloom vendor Horde:

Full Heirloom List:

All Gorgrond Elites That Drop Quest Items:

Draught of the Ten Lands Horde:

Draught of the Ten Lands Alliance:

â–º Timestamps:
0:00 – Intro
01:02 – Preparations
05:03 – Level 1-10
05:44 – Level 10-20
07:28 – Level 20-50+ish
08:55 – Level 50-70
09:52 – Level 70-80

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Fast and Easy 1-80 Solo Leveling Guide | Get to level 80 in 10 hours!

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Fast and Easy 1-80 Solo Leveling Guide | Get to level 80 in 10 hours!

Hey guys, It’s been a week since The War Within launched and with every new expansion everyone will be leveling up their characters again. A new expansion also brings in new players and players that have quit WoW before but want to come back. So I figured that it was time to make a new and updated fast 1-80 wow leveling guide video.

I’ve been leveling up a lot of characters to max level back in Dragonflight. Right now I have around 101 level 70’s and around 7 80’s. So what I want to do is show you guys how I level up from level 1-70 in around 10 hours! It could be even faster if the gods are with you.

As always I tried to keep this video short and easy to follow for new players but also long time players.

Leveling up to level 70 in the war within can be done very fast and easy right now. It can easily be done under 5 hours without any xp buffs. Even level 70-80 can be done pretty fast and easy right now. I expect this leveling guide to stay relevant till the next expansion but if anything might change i’ll make a new fast and easy 1-80 leveling guide video for you guys.

Just some extra information:
During the 20th anniversary of World of Warcraft you’ll probably get a extra 20% xp increase buff for a couple of weeks which makes it even go faster. So keep an eye out for the 20th anniversary for world of warcraft. There is also a potion which increases your xp gain by another 10%, this potion is called the draught of the ten lands. In World of Warcraft there is also a event called the Darkmoon Faire and this will award you also with a extra 10% increased xp buff so keep your eye open on small events like that as well.

Anyway I hope this fast and easy 1-80 wow leveling guide video helps you out a lot!

If it did and you want to support the channel don’t forget to subscribe, like the video and if you have any questions/suggestions just lemme know in the comment section below.

Thanks for watching and enjoy the new expansion!

â–º Follow me on Twitter:

Heirloom vendor Alliance:

Heirloom vendor Horde:

Full Heirloom List:

All Gorgrond Elites That Drop Quest Items:

Draught of the Ten Lands Horde:

Draught of the Ten Lands Alliance:

â–º Timestamps:
0:00 – Intro
02:12 – Preparations
04:47 – Level 1-10
05:31 – Level 10-20
06:53 – Level 20-50ish
08:18 – Level 50-70
09:31 – Level 70-80
12:04- Extra Methods to Reach Lvl 80

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How To Level From 60-70 In Only 2 Hours!

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Ever since Dragonflight first came out I’ve completed countless 60-70 Speedruns in an effort to find the fastest leveling route, and I’ve finally settled on one that allows me to consistently reach Level 70 in only 2 Hours. In this video I’ll explain my route and the setup required so that you can level up you alts as quickly as possible.

If you’re looking to level up your characters as quickly as possible, you can find my written Leveling Guide over at my website,

This route is specifically for players looking to level up their alts. If you’re leveling in Dragonflight for the very first time, make sure you follow my Campaign Route here:

Most of the footage in this video was taken from two different speedruns, and the full runs are posted on my channel. They both follow similar routes within Azure Span, though they were performed with different classes. I’ve linked both of the runs below.

Guardian Druid 60-70 Speedrun (Current WR):

Fury Warrior 60-70 Speedrun (Former WR):

Timestamps WIP

If you want more info on the consumables I use for speedleveling, you can check out my guide on it here:

If you have yet to watch my full 1-60 video guide for both Horde and Alliance, you can find it here:

My Discord tag is “Harldan”, and as always, you can feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions. You’ll never be bothering me by sending a message, as it usually makes my day when someone reaches out.

I also have a Discord server which I use to post updates about the channel and talk about things I find interesting. If you’d like to join it, you can use this link:

If you’re interested in supporting my work and want to gain access to over 80 hours of exclusive video content, I’d encourage you to become a Channel Member. You can find more information here:

#WoW #Warcraft #Dragonflight #Worldofwarcraft #Leveling #Speedrun #Gaming

In this Video I show you a little trick I discorvered in World of Warcraft the war within season 1 which helps you to level faster from level 70 to 80. When you try to speedlevel, this will also help you. I leveled here as druid.
Video Rating: / 5

The FASTEST Ways To Level In The War Within! (A Couple Hours) | WoW

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The early access for the newest World of Warcraft expansion, the War Within, has finally released. So in this video we go over the fastest and most efficient ways to level up to level 80, the new level cap.
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#worldofwarcraft #leveling #guide
Video Rating: / 5

Anyone Can Level to 70 in Remix in 2 Hours!

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Level to 70 in MoP Remix by looting your mail? It works! You can get a fresh MoP Remix alt leveled from 10-70 in just a few hours with this leveling method. Your exact time will vary based on how fast your dungeons and raids go, but even as a solo player this is a very fast way to get a Remix alt up to 70. You might want more level 70 characters in Mists of Pandaria remix to collect Heritage armor, earn Bronze rapidly or level up an alt army for your War Within Warband. Mists of Pandaria Remix is a limited time event lasting until August 19th, so level your remix alts fast while you can!

Get Remix Mail Helper here:

I also stream on Twitch! If streams are your speed, follow me over at

Video Rating: / 5

Insane! From 1 To 70 level In 3 HOURS! Dragonflight Leveling Guide / FAST & EASY

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Insane! From 1 To 70 level In 3 HOURS! Dragonflight Leveling Guide / FAST & EASY

I leveled my chars from 1 level to 70 in 3 hours in WoW dragonflight! And this ishow you can level up ur character 1-70 and 1-60 too! Power Leveling Guide for you Alts in Wow Dragonflight , thats how u can level up your characters even from first level! Speed leveling in wow 10.2.6

#wowleveling #levelingguide #wowdragonflight

My links to contact:

✅ Discord: or Bandevil (accept invite, and enable direct messeges)
✅ Skype:
✅ Telegram:

00:00 70 Level Wow Dragonflight
00:03 How to level up 1-70 in dragonflight fast
00:25 Preparations / make leveling faster
00:56 Best starting zone / 1-10 level
01:25 Best classes for leveling
01:47 Help With Power Leveling
02:12 How to move character on location
02:25 Power Leveling locations
02:39 TURN ON WAR MODE and be in the party

Level Up From 10-70 in Under 2 HOURS! | MoP Remix Leveling Guide

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Level Up From 10-70 in Under 2 HOURS! | MoP Remix Leveling Guide

Hey guys, Blizzard released MoP Remix a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been playing it a lot. After leveling 28 alts from 10-70 In around 1-2 hours and trying out all different kind of leveling methods in MoP remix. I wanted to make a short video and share with you guys how I level up my alts from level 10-70 in under 2 hours. Till now the fastest time I was able to get my alt from lvl 10-70 was in 1 hour and 30 minutes but I think I can get that maybe down to around 1 hour.

Since level 20 characters are broken in MoP Remix you could, If you don’t have a 2nd paid account use a lvl 20 trial account character to boost your main account characters. There are people that are able to run dungeons within a minute with their lvl 20 boosting character which is crazy.

I still don’t have decent cloak stats on my level 20 trial character so maybe once I get that character up and running that I’ll be able to run 55 dungeons in a hour.

*Just a couple of things to keep in mind:*
The methods I talk about only work for your alts if you have the 4200 threads achievement.
Don’t pick up Bonus XP Tokens in the raid.
You can use trial account characters to get insta dungeon queues.
If you don’t have 2nd paid account you can use a lvl 20 trial account character to boost your main account characters.

Anyway I hope that this guide helped you in some way and that I explained it as easy as possible for you to follow. If this guide helped you please don’t forget to like the video and subscribe if you want to see more!

As always if you have any questions or suggestions just let me know in the comment section below!

😎 Follow me on Twitter:
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Discord Tag incase you have questions: its_danta

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Why Dungeon Leveling is SLOWER Than Questing

Viewers have been asking me this question for years, so I figured it was about time for me to finally compare the two directly and provide a definitive answer. Initially I expected this video to be a fairly clear-cut explanation on why dungeon leveling isn’t efficient, but my findings contradicted this assumption, so I was forced to revise my route and get a new World Record.

If you want to watch my recent 10-70 World Record run, you can find it here:

If you’re looking to level up your characters as quickly as possible, you can find my written Leveling Guide over at my website,

I also have a video version of the 10-60 guide, which you can watch here:

If you’re only interested in the 60-70 part of the run, I also uploaded my Guardian Druid questing-only run which has a time of 3 hours and 21 minutes. You can watch it here:

00:00 – Introduction
00:35 – How am I evaluating each leveling method?
02:11 – Pure Questing vs Pure Dungeons
04:29 – What if you combined them?
04:45 – Chromie Time 10-60
06:13 – Dragonflight 60-70
07:45 – Conclusion

My Discord tag is Harldan# 2316, and as always, you can feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions. You’ll never be bothering me by sending a message, as it usually makes my day when someone reaches out.

I also have a Discord server which I use to post updates about the channel and talk about things I find interesting. If you’d like to join it, you can use this link:

If you’re interested in supporting my work and want to gain access to over 80 hours of exclusive video content, I’d encourage you to become a Channel Member. You can find more information here:

#WoW #Warcraft #Dragonflight #Worldofwarcraft #Leveling
Video Rating: / 5

1-70 In A Few Hours! How To Level Up Your Alt Army In Dragonflight 10.1.7

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Check out the LG Ultragear 27″ 240hz OLED, my new favourite gaming monitor! Sponsored by LG Ultragear.
Oh yes. With changes to Timewalking, a new holiday event, and brand new endgame XP boosts, leveling in World of Warcraft has never felt this quick! Today you’ll learn all you need to know to power level your characters in patch 10.1.7 & beyond!
#LGUltraGear #OLEDGamingMonitor

A new levelling method went viral, so we decided to test it out, in all it’s degen glory! As it stands, this is one of the best ways to level from 60-70, and knock out a few otherwise frustrating achievements along the way.
Get early ad-free content, Lorewalking Podcast & support our team at
Inspired by this post:

00:00 New Leveling Method
02:05 Does It Suck?
06:05 How To
06:58 Don’t Make These Mistakes
Video Rating: / 5

From 1 to 70 Leveling in 3 HOURS! EASY ! (NOT NERFED) Power Leveling Guide Dragonflight 10.2 !

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From 1 to 70 Leveling in 3 HOURS! EASY ! (NOT NERFED) Power Leveling Guide Dragonflight 10.2 !

Wow Power Leveling Guide! I leveled my chars from 1 level to 70 in 3 hours in WoW dragonflight! In this Guide i show how you can level up ur character 1-70 and 1-60 too! Power Leveling Guide for you Alts in Wow Dragonflight , thats how u can level up your characters even from first level!

#wowleveling #levelingguide #wowdragonflight

My links to contact:

✅ Discord: or Bandevil (accept invite, and enable direct messeges)
✅ Skype:
✅ Telegram:

00:00 70 Level Wow Dragonflight
00:03 How to level up 1-70 in dragonflight fast
00:15 How to increase getteng experience by 30 %
00:30 Best starting zone for leveling
00:43 Best locations for power leveling
00:57 How to avoid kick from the game
01:09 best classes for leveling
01:27 Help with leveling
01:52 increase getteng experience by 30 %
02:39 TURN ON WAR MODE and be in the party

0:00 Intro
0:26 Fast Emblem Farming
1:21 Best Heirlooms
4:44 Best Enchants
7:15 Extra Powerful Gear:
9:15 Power Leveling Methods
16:35 Consumables:

Make a truckload of Gold and speed your way to max level with the Rested xp gold assistant and leveling guides for Classic TBC & Wrath. Discount code “metagoblin” for 5% off:

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