Discover how to level your World of Warcraft character solo from 1 to 120 the FASTEST way possible on autopilot and stop thinking about what to do next.
Dugi's system for WoW is 100% guaranteed to work for you....just like it has for over 100,000 other gamers before you.
Demonstrations on the survivability and efficiency of leveling a priest with instructional commentary. Don’t miss getting ganked by Goldtooth with two adds and not getting killed!
0:00 Level 1 basics of mana regeneration.
6:34 Level 4 gaining Shadow Word: Pain.
13:41 Level 6 wands, professions, and Power Word: Shield.
16:24 (wicked accidental chain pull of 5 mobs without dying)
19:34 (surviving Goldtooth with two adds… barely)
25:58 Level 10 talent points. Video Rating: / 5
Welcome to my Shadow Priest PvE DPS Guide.
In this guide, I will take you through Stats, Talents & Rotation.
You will get the basic fundamental of Shadow priest.
Hope you enjoy!.
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Insane leveling tip to help you level in double the speed! Half the time of your leveling means half the Work. Take advantage now!!
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In this video, I cover what heirloom items are, where to get them, how to use them, and strategies for getting the most out of them for your money.
The 2 major perks with heirloom armor: a great set of gear right from level 1, and a ton of bonus experience to level your alts with!
0:34 What Are Heirlooms in WoW?
2:00 How Do Heirlooms Work in WoW?
10:43 Where to Get Heirloom Gear?
16:12 Special Heirloom Mount and Maps
18:11 How to Use Heirlooms (My Strategy)
I livestream right here on YouTube several times a week! Check the channel page for upcoming livestreams:
Today’s Episode: I level from 1 to 30 on my new Blood Elf Prot Pally Tank! For The Horde!! Join me in Azeroth as I level my new baby tank.
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Guide for newcomers. Starting with no money, no pvp mount, no heirlooms, no chants and no flasks.
Please install addons: Recount, Ovale and Dugi quest helper. Video Rating: / 5
Here is my intro to wow/blood elf female tutorial.
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A combination of flight, heirlooms and a great plan can result in you completing 100-110 in 4 hours.
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Click Here To Check Out Zygor:
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This is a review of the WoW Legion leveling guide/addon zygor guide. In the video, I breakdown each zygor module and give my thoughts on what I like and didn’t like after 1 month of using the legion leveling guide. I also breakdown in the beginning of the video why I don’t believe you can be banned using the zygor addon.
[Sources Used In Video]
◆ Zygor Forum Question:
◆ Blizzard TOS Page:
This video is a complete and detailed guide to levelling exploits in World Of Warcraft from 1-110, optimized for patch 7.3.5 and the recent scaling changes/revamp. The methods in this guide will allow you to significantly increase your levelling speed by as much as 50-100% (varying somewhat based on class and other random variables).
0:00 Intro
1:10 Can I get banned for doing this?
1:47 Level 1-10 , 1-15
2:51 Level 10-60, Method Zero, Ragefire Chasm (Horde)
5:51 Returning to the start of dungeon, new method
7:26 Method Zero, Stockades (Alliance), Level 15-60
7:55 Infinite Orc Army (Horde), Level 10-60
9:23 Johnny Awesome And Apothecary Lydon Glitch (Horde), Level 20-60
10:57 Farmer Army (Alliance), Level 35-60
12:26 Wetlands Instant Respawn Farm (only requires ONE account, two characters as with Method Zero), Level 10-60
14:04 Hellfire Ramparts, Method Zero, Level 60-80
15:56 Soloing Hellfire Ramparts Level 80-83
16:14 Mob Grinding At Hyper-Speed in Sunwell Plateau, Level 70-80
17:25 Lost City Of The Tol’Vir, 80-90
19:00 SkipTo Pandaria, Draenor, quickly
20:41 Vehicle Glitch, Level 94-100
21:50 Secret Armour Debuff, Level 100-110
22:22 Demon Invasion Raid Finder Exploit Level 100-110
23:28 Reset Class Cooldowns Level 90-110
25:34 How long does it take to get 110?
26:15 Closing Thoughts and Dubious Sales Pitch
My Patreon: Video Rating: / 5
Learn how to make leveling smooth and easy without any critical mistakes or missing any possible benefits. This is a complete guide to fast powerleveling 110-120 in Battle for Azeroth for Patch 8.1.
We have tried to make the guide consistent and without too much talking. 12 hour for lvl’s 120 isn’t as unbelievable as world records – it’s not a speedrun. This is apowerleveling guide with the best practices all and tips to easily get 120 lvl in BfA.
If you have a question, we’re happy to help!
0:00 – introduction.
0:49 – Preparing for Leveling
0:52 – Azeroth Auto Pilot
1:41 – Skipping Scenarios
2:07 – Items and Mounts
3:05 – Mounts
4:09 – The Beginning of Leveling
4:31 – Questing
5:15 – Zone Choice
5:54 – Scraping
6:27 – Professions
6:42 – War Campaign
7:42 – Rares and treasures for War campaign
8:14 – Expeditions
9:11 – Summing Up
9:39 – The fastest leveling record
There’s only a handful of quests tied to leveling up professions in BFA and none of them are for crafting professions – at least not yet. Let’s see how everything is looking so far.