Archive for the tag: Leveling

Subtlety Rogue Leveling Guide 9.0- Beta Shadowlands – World of Warcraft

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#Rogue #Worldofwarcraft #Guide #Assassination #outlaw #subtlety

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â–º Descriptionâ—„
Today we look at Subtlety Rogue leveling build going into the shadowlands! This build really packs a punch! Insane levels of burst

#showtooltip shadowstrike
/cast symbols of Death
/cast cold blood
/cast shadowstrike

â–º â–º â–º â–º Twitch: â—„ â—„â—„ â—„â—„ â—„

#showtooltip Secret technique
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Secret Technique

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Video Rating: / 5

Leveling in WoW with Wowcrendor | WoWcrendor

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World of Warcraft – Guia de Leveling

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Guia de leveling para iniciantes no world of warcraft.

Addons que eu cito no video:

Azeroth Autopilot (Pra upar mais rápido):
HandyNotes (Marcações e indicações no mapa):

Playlist de montarias do jogo:

Guias de Classe:

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Battlenet: lanjelive#1307

WoW | New Leveling System! 1-60

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1-120 is no more! Welcome in 1-60. How do Allied races, Demon Hunters, and Death Knights fit into it all?

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WoW Shadowlands : Leveling from 10-60 Via PVP

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WoW Shadowlands :  Leveling from 10-60 Via PVP

WoW Shadowlands : Leveling from 10-60 Via PVP
Video Rating: / 5

A Fast and Easy Way to Level up Alts in Shadowlands Pre Patch (Battle Pet Leveling)

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If you want to level fast and easy in the Shadowlands Pre Patch, then this video might just be the one for you! So yesterday I tested 4 different ways of leveling in the Shadowlands Pre Patch, including questing, dungeon grinding, gathering professions and battle pets, and while this is not exactly the fastest method, it is by far the easiest! You can actually level up pretty fast in the Shadowlands Pre Patch simply by playing Pokémon in WoW!
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New World Jewelcrafting Leveling Guide (0-200) Updated for 2022

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Jewelcrafting is a crafting skill that allows you to craft trinkets like Amulets, Rings, and Earrings which provide passive bonuses to your character. Jewelcrafting can also be used to craft gems that go into weapons and armor slots.

In this video we will explain step by step for you how to level up Jewelcrafting in New World.

Still unsure about its safety? Visit the official website at now!
Warning! Please be cautious of Mmopilot-related scams.

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Top LEVELING TIPS for Shadowlands 2022

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Top LEVELING TIPS for Shadowlands 2022

This video covers my Top 10 LEVELING Tips for Shadowlands 2022. There are so many great LEVELING Tips for WOW this is my list of the Top 10 LEVELING Tips for Shadowlands 2022.

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0:00 Intro & Sorteos!
1:45 Preparativos
4:50 Potenciadores de Experiencia
5:30 Disclaimer & Cromi
7:45 Ruta Alianza
9:12 Ruta Horda
12:10 Información importante y final.
Video Rating: / 5

Gatherer – Botanist/Miner 1-80 Leveling Guide | Beginner & Endwalker-friendly

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For a different approach, check out the following Videos:

See you guys on the Gathering Field or on Twitch

And about any support on Patreon, I am very thankful:

You can get Final Fantasy XIV here:
• FFXIV: Endwalker:
• Complete Edition (30 days included):
• 60 days Subscription card:

My Gaming/Recording setup:
• CPU – (Intel I9 12900k):
• GPU – (RTX 3080 Ti Xtreme Waterforce):
• Display – (Asus PG32UQ):
• Rec/Mic – (Blue Yeti X):
• Headset – (HyperX Cloud II Wireless):
• Keyboard – (Logitech G915 TKL Linear):
• Mouse – (Razer Naga Pro):
• Webcam – (Razer Kiyo Pro):
• Speaker – (Razer Leviathan):

The links provided are linked to my
Amazon Affiliate account at no extra cost to you
and contain valuable Alternatives, due to recent poor availability

Noshi Mizuta – Voyager (FF11)
Nobuo Uematsu – Danger in the Forest (FF9)
Matt Uelmen – Wilderness (Diablo 2)
Nobuo Uematsu – Aboard the Hilda Garde (FF9)

0:00 Introduction & Preparation
2:08 Levels 1 – 10
3:30 Levels 10 – 50 (51)
5:54 Levels 50 – 70 (71) & How Collectables Work
10:40 Levels 70 – 80 Time for some Levequests
12:40 Closing Thoughts & Recommendations

#FFXIV #Shadowbringers #Gatherer
Video Rating: / 5

Hey guys!

Matt here with a guide on how to Smelt from 1-300 in Vanilla World of Warcraft and make some gold in the process! You will spend some gold, usually between 2,000-3,000 Gold, but will sell the bars on the auction house, usually making between 3,000-4,000 depending on your server.

Here are the steps:

Head to your Mining Trainer in any major city.
Smelt 85 Copper Bars
Smelt 85 Tin Bars
Smelt 85 Bronze Bars
Smelt 20 Silver Bars
Smelt 50 Iron Bars
Smelt 20 Gold Bars
Smelt 65 Mithril Bars
Smelt 20 Truesilver Bars
Smelt 200 Thorium Ore

This will put you between 260-280 Mining, and then follow that with 3 weekly runs of Molten Core to Mine Dark Iron to 300.

I will also be making gold guides, pvp videos, and just fun stuff that i find along the way to share with you guys.

I am really new to this video thing, and my computer came with a recording Software called Nvidia Shadowplay that I am trying to learn how to use.

Thank you guys for watching, please like and subscribe and hit that little Bell Icon for future videos!


World of Warcraft Joke: Why are warriors the worst salesman?

They charge too much.
Video Rating: / 5

WOW Level 1-60 Alliance Leveling Guide 2022

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WOW Level 1-60 Alliance Leveling Guide 2022

How to Level 1-60 in WOW Shadowlands
1-60 Speed Leveling Route (Alliance)
I have a video coming out on this but please see a brief description of my route below with a in-depth written guide coming and Horde guide to follow. Make sure you get Azeroth auto pilot add-on.
Type /aap choose custom route.
Drag the following into your route: Redridge Mountains, Duskwood, Gorgrond.
Exiles Reach
Stormwind Chromie Time (IRON HORDE)
Learn Mount Riding
Learn Mining for extra XP.
Eastvale Logging Camp (complete it)
Redridge Mountains (complete it)
FLY to Stormwind! – TURN WARMODE ON (15-20% exp buff).
Complete Duskwood or Complete Loch Modan.
Stormwind Learn Flying.
Stormwind Portal Room: Speak to Battle Mage and be teleported to Blasted Lands.
Skip WOD intro if you want or complete it. I personally skip it but it doesn’t make much difference.
To skip WOD intro: Abandon Chromie Quest then go through portal in blasted lands (Don’t speak to Khadgar).
Unlock Garrison and do first few initially quests until you’ve made the Barracks and sent your first follower on a mission. Then speak to Flight Master and fly to Gorgrond.
Complete Gorgrond
Complete Talador.
Stormwind Learn Fast Flying
Skip Maw Intro
Choose Threads of Fate.
Speak to Tal-Inara choose the MAW as your first Zone.
Choose your covenant.
Purchase Broker Mark of Distinction from Vendor at Oribos Flight Path! Use it to get 40 renown.
Learn Shadowlands Engineering & Shadowlands Mining. Buy a Shadowlands Wormhole toy from AH for convenient FAST travel all over Shadowlands.
JUMP into the maw you will get Teleported to Torghast Tower of the Damned.
Grab quest from Ven’ish.
Complete a Torghast wing.
Hand quest in then go back to Tal-Inara hand quest in.
Speak Tal-Inara and select Bastion as your next zone to level in.
Fly to Bastion. Complete all Side Quests on the map.
Grab Necrotic Wake quest. Sign up to Necrotic Wake on LFG while doing side quests.
When completed all side quests and completed Necrotic Wake go back to Tal-Inara and hand in Aiding Kyrian.
Speak to Tal-Inara and select Ardenweald.
Fly to Ardenweald and get the Aiding Nightfae Quest.
Grab Mists of Tirna Sythe quest and sign up on LFG for it while doing side quests.
Complete all side quests in Ardenweald.
Complete Mists Dungeon Quest.
When completed helping Nightfae fly back to Oribos to hand it in to Tal-Inara.
57/58+ (I am typically 60 here).
Speak to Tal-Inara and select Revendreth.
Fly to Revendreth and get the Aiding Venthyr Quest.
Grab Halls of Attonement quest and sign up on LFG for it while doing side quests.
Complete all side quests in Revendreth.
Complete Halls of Attonement dungeon.
When completed helping Venthyr fly back to Oribos to hand it in to Tal-Inara.

You should definitely be 60 at this point. If not just do the same for Maldraxus. Any questions please ask away!

💻 Gold Making Website:
🔴 STREAM: YOUTUBE! – Schedule: Mon and Fri – 8PM GMT (3PM EST)

MAKE Gold EASY? Check the links below!
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