Warlock 1-60 Leveling Vanilla World of Warcraft
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What professions to choose.
0:00 Intro
0:37 Alchemy Description
2:02 Gold Making Recipes
4:07 Rare Recipes
6:51 Flasks
8:34 Transmute with Alchemy
10:00 Conclusion.
11:10 Outro
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Hello everyone, Frost here. Welcome back to a new classic wow video. This is the third episode from the vanilla profession overview series. In our previous episodes we covered the gathering skills and then the armor and weapon crafting professions. Now we had to cover the last 3 primary professions, unfortunately there was just to much information to go over and instead of making a 40 minute long video we split the third episode into 3 parts. Today we’re looking into Alchemy. Without further a due, let’s explore.
Alchemists use herbs to create strange, magical brews that heal, empower, and produce a variety of positive effects – invisibility, elemental resistance, mana restoration, and much, much more. They can also transmute mystic materials into rare and exotic new forms. With their power to create valuable consumables, Alchemists are highly useful to groups and raids. By creating rare materials, Alchemists can make a great deal of money, enable the creation of powerful weapons and armor, and even influence the economy of Azeroth!
-Early game brews like Free Action potion, Arcane elixir, Frost oil and Swiftness potions can make you a decent amount of cash.
-Health and mana potions will be the most consistent niche market for the whole iterration of vanilla with prices for Major mana potions skyrocketing when new content is released.
-Elixir of Shadow power has a very good market value as this will used by warlocks and shadow priests, also you need 10 of them for Dreadsteed warlock epic mount quest.
-Elixir of brute force – This recipe is quite a pain to get. The only place that you can get it is from turning in bloodpetal sprouts in un’goro crater. For every 15 sprouts you turn in you get a brown wrapped package and there is a very slim chance that you will get this recipe.
-Restorative potions – Another good sell on the market, people will buy it when progressing into molten core and even after progession because guilds tend to do speed runs and they dont want to sacrifice mana for decursing.
Overall alchemy is a great profession to have, pair it with herbalism to get most of it. It can help you create potions and buffs to aid you on your leveling journey, making your life smoother. It has a high compatibility with fishing, allowing you to make a variety of fine oils that can be further used on creating powerful brews, thus opening more doors into gold making. Alchemy is considered the best profession in terms of getting rich, altough some people would disagree because sometimes the potions and elixirs will sell on the auction house cheaper than the herbs it requires to make them. In my opinion alchemy is still the best best money maker but just like other professions, you’ll have to do the recipe grind because selling the same basic recipes like everyone else won’t make you any money. Also alchemy requires to have some sort of knowledge in economy or at least being a bit smart and know basic mathematics. Like we said in our previous episode with the armor crafting professions, choose this skill if you have the time and dedication to commit otherwise picking gathering skills might be a better choice for casual game-play.
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Before Cataclysm we enjoyed the many hours spent leveling across the former lands of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. Although many of the questlines and zones we loved have been torn asunder or removed, we still remember the Vanilla WoW leveling experience even to this day. For that reason, I’d like to take a short trip down memory lane with the Top 10 Vanilla WoW Leveling Zones. I hope you enjoy!
A Top 10 list by, Nixxiom.
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What professions to pick in classic wow.
Pre Intro 0:04
Gathering Intro 1:55
Skinning 2:58
Mining 5:57
Herbalism 9:20
Outro 12:06
Hello everyone, Frost here. Welcome back to another classic wow video. This is the first part from the professions series. A series that will contain 4 episodes covering all 12 professions. First part will be about the gathering skills, second part about the armor and weapon crafting, third part we’ll look into the 3 remaining primary professions: Alchemy, Engineering and Enchanting and we’ll end the series with the secondary skills: First aid, cooking and fishing. Looking up online for a vanilla wow profession guide will mostly give you results about how to level it from 1 – 300, rarely covering them as an overview or slightly more in depth. The purpose of the series is to help new and returning players choose the skills that suits their needs.
For some reason vanilla professions are underrated. And I believe that the reason is lack of knowledge and lack of awareness on the nature of the changing economy. The demands during the first 3 months will not be the same as the demand 6 or 12 months after release. Half of the gold making guides on this channel are made and suited for a mature economy and most professions will thrive during that time. The point is, don’t pick a profession and expect to get rich from day one. There’s a saying that “classic wow” is marathon, not a race and the same principle will apply to professions. The way I see the trading skills is more like an investment, a way in the future to make some passive and semi-passive income, thus making grinding for gold no longer a required task, just a thing of the past. Althoug, choosing professions solely for making gold is somehow a bit selfish and in contradiction with the nature of vanilla wow. Some trade skills are more suited for helping your guild and providing services for your close friends. Well talk more about this in a future episode as today we’re covering Gathering.
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What’s up, my dudes! This video is for anyone who is looking to speed up their Classic Vanilla World of Warcraft leveling experience! I really hope these 20 tips serve you dudes well. Thanks for stopping by!
———Honorary YouTubers———
SoupaSoka Video (Alterac Valley Quests):
World of Will Video (Grinding Mobs While Questing):
Joana’s Unedited Speed Run to Level 60:
———Useful Sites———
Joana’s Leveling Guide:
Rested XP Wiki:
———Talent Calculator———
———More Info———
Servers: Light’s Hope (Lightbringer PvP) + RetroWoW
My UI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5YvaGZvGT0&t=1085s
Music Used: World of Warcraft Soundtrack – Tavern (Pirate)
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In this Wow Vanilla video I discuss my top 10 tips and tricks for making gold as you level in vanilla World of Warcraft. Let me know what you think!
I hope that this guide helps you make gold quickly as you level. Let me know if you have any tips or tricks as well
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It’s part of the Aunctioneer Pack – you can disable the rest of the addon if you don’t want to use it
Vanilla WoW: Quest or Quest and Grind:
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Disclaimer: Please do not take the content of this video as fact, it’s only my experience.
WoW vanilla gold
Wow vanilla legacy
Nostalrius returns
Vanilla fresh server
Elysium wow new server
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In this video I go over some ways of farming gold in BfA! Let me know any other great ways to make gold.
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Outro: Music by Kevin MacLeod. Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Download link: https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100413
Demonstrations on the survivability and efficiency of leveling a priest with instructional commentary. Don’t miss getting ganked by Goldtooth with two adds and not getting killed!
0:00 Level 1 basics of mana regeneration.
6:34 Level 4 gaining Shadow Word: Pain.
13:41 Level 6 wands, professions, and Power Word: Shield.
16:24 (wicked accidental chain pull of 5 mobs without dying)
19:34 (surviving Goldtooth with two adds… barely)
25:58 Level 10 talent points.
Video Rating: / 5
Welcome to my Shadow Priest PvE DPS Guide.
In this guide, I will take you through Stats, Talents & Rotation.
You will get the basic fundamental of Shadow priest.
Hope you enjoy!.
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What professions to choose.
0:00 Intro
1:40 Tailoring
5:13 Tailoring gold examples
8:10 Leatherworking
9:12 Elemental LW
10:08 Dragonscale LW
11:20 Tribal LW
12:52 Leather work gold examples
15:08 Blacksmithing
16:54 Axesmith
17:30 Swordsmith
17:55 Hammersmith
18:22 Armorsmith
19:33 Blacksmithing gold examples
21:23 Outro
Hello everyone, Frost here. Welcome to a new classic wow video. This is the second episode from the vanilla profession overview series. Previously, we covered the gathering skills, talked about the changing nature of the economy, how to make gold with gathering and gave a couple of examples.
Welcome to the world of threads and fine materials such as linen, wool and a variety of silks ready to be imbued with magic. Tailors take simple cloth and weave wonders out of it; cloth armor and robes, shirts, bags and other creations are the purview of the tailor. The benefits are diverse – lightly armored classes can wear mystic robes, all types of heroes can benefit from a variety of bags, and everyone can appreciate the decorative shirts and outfits springing from the tailor’s loom. Tailoring doesn’t rely on a gathering profession – cloth is found in chests and on defeated mobs, as well as purchased. As such, Tailoring is paired with a variety of professions, though Enchanting is the most common but don’t be fooled by this as you can get enchanting on a bank alt and pick a second profession of your choice. Tailoring is quite unique in vanilla compared to other crafting professions and offers decent in-game advantages to cloth users.
Leatherworkers take the rough, spiny or sturdy hides of beasts everywhere and turn them into useful products. First and foremost among these creations are lighter armors – leather and mail – as well as cloaks, quivers, and unique patches and stitching that improve the defensive values of armor. The craft of Leatherworking is useful to those who want to outfit themselves and others with suitable armors, as well as those who want to profit from selling their rare creations. Leatherworking provides some advantages for leather and mail wearing classes. It is great for leveling up your character since you can very cheaply make item upgrades and armor kits on your journey. This introduction might make this profession seem like the dream one, but in reality leatherworking is one of the least picked skills because if you compare it to tailoring for example… it imposes some limitations, as Leatherworking will be divided in 3 sub-categories: Elemental, Dragonscale and Tribal.. thus, limiting you in terms of the amount of things you can craft and diversity.
Blacksmiths take bars of metal from miners and work them into finely crafted melee weapons, mail armor, plate armor and some trade items. They also can construct special sharpening stones and weight stones that can be used to temporarily increase the damage on Sharp and Blunt weapon. Several Rods can be created for enchanters, who need the rods for more potent enchantments. Skeleton Keys can be used to open chests when a rogue is not available. Shield Spikes damage your opponent whenever you block blows. They can also create several items that are used as ingredients in other professions (such as Tailoring and Leatherworking). Speaking of other crafting skills, blacksmith do not have a cooldown like Cured rugged hide, mooncloth and arcanite bars.. But blacksmiting is more diverse in terms of crafting since you can make weapons and other useful trading goods giving it more potential to make gold on the market. This skill is a good choice for Warriors and Paladins, they can benefit from the Mail and then Plate armor and the wide selection of weapons. Hunters and Shamans can also use most of the weapons made but can only start using Mail armor at level 40.
At skill level 200 and character level 40, Blacksmiths can choose to specialize as an Armorsmith or a Weaponsmith. Weaponsmiths can later further specialize into Hammer-, Axe- or Swordsmiths. Once you make one of these choices you cannot go back, So choose wisely.
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World of Warcraft Profession Mastery, Best profession Leveling Guides / Tutorials available.
How to get Tailoring to 700 in minutes! Highly detailed list of items required, items to craft, and price estimates – FULLY explained here!
No more struggle. No more hesitation. No more delays.
You will NOT be left hanging around 650 skill, you WILL be taken all the way to 700 skill!
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WoW Vanilla – Ultimate Tailoring Guide
This WoW Vanilla guide is for people who want to level up their Tailoring skill to max level as soon as possible. Works on Kronoss I&II, Elysium, Anathema, Darrowshire.
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►World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. It is the fourth released game set in the fantasy Warcraft universe, which was first introduced by Warcraft: Orcs & Humans in 1994. World of Warcraft takes place within the Warcraft world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events at the conclusion of Blizzard’s previous Warcraft release, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment announced World of Warcraft on September 2, 2001. The game was released on November 23, 2004, on the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise.
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See you tomorrow in the next video!
WoW Vanilla – Ultimate Herbalism Guide
This WoW Vanilla guide is for people who want to level up their herbalism skill to max level as soon as possible. Works on Kronoss I&II, Elysium, Anathema, Darrowshire.
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►World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. It is the fourth released game set in the fantasy Warcraft universe, which was first introduced by Warcraft: Orcs & Humans in 1994. World of Warcraft takes place within the Warcraft world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events at the conclusion of Blizzard’s previous Warcraft release, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment announced World of Warcraft on September 2, 2001. The game was released on November 23, 2004, on the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise.
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