Warlock 1-60 Leveling Vanilla World of Warcraft
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This is a recording of my recent livestream where I leveled up an Affliction Warlock from 10-60 on the Dragonflight Beta. Despite having NEVER played a warlock before, I managed to get my first sub 6 hour time, which is only the tip of the iceberg. With a bit more optimization, and a class that I’m familiar with, I still believe a sub 5 hour time is possible.
If you’re looking to level up your characters as quickly as possible, you can find my written Leveling Guide here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gMy9THrOzhlZTyVYZNWzS-C1fyQy-GTnWz6miNsTbu0/edit?usp=sharing
If you’re interested in learning more about the dungeons and raid bosses coming in Dragonflight, you can find my beta testing playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF8tshZCPKQt7feZCq9e4nshplGNqv_P8
Timestamps WIP
00:00:00 – Setup
00:41:31 – Run Starts
My Discord tag is Harldan# 2316, and as always, you can feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions. You’ll never be bothering me by sending a message, as it usually makes my day when someone reaches out.
I also have a Discord server which I use to post updates about the channel and talk about things I find interesting. If you’d like to join it, you can use this link: https://discord.gg/fBZEv5SA4N
If you’re interested in supporting my work and want to gain access to over 80 hours of exclusive video content, I’d encourage you to become a Channel Member. You can find more information here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClSx_ab7jY1ee_gclQGIyCw/join
#WoW #Warcraft #Dragonflight #Worldofwarcraft #Leveling
Edit 7/6/23: After many months I finally managed to beat my record once again, and I did it with an Alliance Guardian Druid! That run was a full 10-70 speedrun, and I managed to complete the 10-60 section in under 3 hours, beating this world record by a fairly significant amount of time. If you watch to watch that run, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/8YN6DM3kH0Y
After countless practice runs and hours spent optimizing the route, I managed to get this completely insane speedrun time as a Horde Windwalker Monk! While Guardian Druid will likely still be a strong option for 10-60 leveling, I think it’s safe to say that WW has taken its spot as the #1 Specialization for speedruns. Honestly, I don’t think it will be possible for me to beat this time for quite a while, and once my 10-60 Guide is finished, I’ll turn my attention towards further optimization for the 60-70 Dragonflight Route.
If you’re looking to level up your characters as quickly as possible, you can find my written Leveling Guide over at my website, https://harldan.com.
I’ve recently put together a full 1-60 video guide for both Horde and Alliance. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/uLXS2nupv2s
Update 2/13/23: I also managed to get the fastest time for Alliance 10-60, and while it was slower than this run, it did not use the Anniversary Buff and still managed to clock in at under 4 hours. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/drWv8m5kWDE
During this run I found a lot of rare mobs, as they’re ultimately really important if you plan on speedleveling. In order to make it easier to find all of them, I put together a short video which showcases every rare mob that you’ll find during my 10-60 Route for both Horde and Alliance. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/trJVnq6dRiM
If you want to learn more about Monk leveling, I’ve put out a detailed guide that goes over spec choice and talent builds. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/Ku3koFV_I3Q
00:00:00 – Introduction
00:01:30 – Run Starts (Levels 10-20)
00:44:12 – Levels 20-30
01:31:27 – Levels 30-40
02:20:50 – Levels 40-50
02:55:32 – Levels 50-60
03:22:58 – Level 60
My Discord tag is Harldan# 2316, and as always, you can feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions. You’ll never be bothering me by sending a message, as it usually makes my day when someone reaches out.
I also have a Discord server which I use to post updates about the channel and talk about things I find interesting. If you’d like to join it, you can use this link: https://discord.gg/fBZEv5SA4N
If you’re interested in supporting my work and want to gain access to over 80 hours of exclusive video content, I’d encourage you to become a Channel Member. You can find more information here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClSx_ab7jY1ee_gclQGIyCw/join
#WoW #Warcraft #Dragonflight #prepatch #Worldofwarcraft #Leveling
http://www.youtube.com/optec – This video series features Optec who has his own Youtube channel. Check him out and subscribe.
This is the first of four parts of a comprehensive Warlock guide covering all 3 specs, rotations, glyphs and various other gubbins. I will be working with experts on guides for other classes over the coming weeks. This guide covers Destruction.
Video Rating: / 5
Click on the link below for Spec/Glyphs
Download This Song
Video Rating: / 5
Link to Presentation! (Help improve this guide):
Background Footage Seen is Courtesy of:
Warlock Ability Progression:
Talent Calculator:
1-60 Horde Leveling Guide:
1-60 Alliance Leveling Guide:
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Recently I have received many questions asking about what spec I am going to level as, my talents for leveling, what route I am going to take/what is optimal and what my thoughts on War Mode are. Hopefully this video answers most of those questions! If you have more questions or comments/suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments below and I will be sure to get back to you!
Affliction Talents: 0:48
Affliction Gearset: 14:49
Destruction Talents: 6:36
Destruction Gearset: 17:20
Leveling Route (Horde): 20:21
Leveling Route (Alliance): 21:45
War Mode Leveling Thoughts: 22:45
Must Have Leveling Items: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCMEfr7ndjk
Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed the video and would like
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