Warlock 1-60 Leveling Vanilla World of Warcraft
WOW leveling guide Tags: Leveling, Vanilla, Warcraft, Warlock, WorldNo Comments »
Have you ever wanted to level a character in World of Warcraft without needing to any quests, queue for any dungeons, or fight any mobs? Well do I have a strategy for you! You don’t have to be a top 1% to use this leveling method! Just follow my guide and you’ll be level 70 in WoW in no time!
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0:00 Intro
2:06 Where not to go.
2:54 Levels 10 to 20
4:06 Levels 21 to 30+
5:26 Levels 30+ to 40
5:57 Levels 40 to 50+
7:28 Levels 50+ to 60
8:22 Levels 60 to 70
#gaming #worldofwarcraft #guide
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*Be careful with the Dragonflight’s “Immortal” Leveling method. They are aware of the bug and are looking to fix it soon, so get to leveling until you can’t anymore!
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#wow #wowclassic #seasonofmastery
Leveling in Retail vs Classic
Video Rating: / 5
Hey Guys, So I decided to make a World of Warcraft Beginners guide because there’s just so much to do whenever you start playing World of Warcraft for the first time. So much that a lot of people actually get overwhelmed and as someone that has been playing world of warcraft for over 15 years now I wanted to make a video to help y’all out. What I’ll be doing in this video is going over the things I think are most important to know as a new player and just try to explain it in a short and simple way.
There’s so much you will have to deal with in retail wow at the moment, kinda too much actually but I’ll try to cover all the most important things. Things like: Leveling, Questing, Realms, Factions, The easiest classes for a new player, Races, Keybindings and options in world of warcraft, dungeons, battlegrounds, which addons to use as a new player, proffesions, raids, transmog, mythic plus and much more! At the end of the video I hope you will atleast know the basics as a new player when it comes to world of warcraft Dragonflight. Now if the new War Within expansion that will launch this year doesn’t bring major changes this guide will be valid until atleast the end of this year but otherwise I’ll update it if needed 🙂
Anyway I hope this Ultimate World of Warcraft Beginners Guide 2024 helps you out a lot!
If it did and you want to support the channel don’t forget to subscribe, like the video and if you have any questions/suggestions or feel like I missed something important that a new player might want to know just lemme know in the comment section below.
Thanks for watching!
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Copy this string and Import my Layout if you like it ( Don’t forget to enable action bars 2-3-4-5 and 7:
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► Timestamps:
0:00 – Intro
02:15 – Realms/Servers
03:47 – Factions
04:23 – Classes
05:09 – UI Customization
06:18 – Keybinds
07:25 – Settings
10:26 – Questing / Leveling Up
12:37 – Transmog and Mount Farming
14:46 – Dungeons
15:36 – Battlegrounds
16:07 – Crafting / Professions
16:54 – Battle Pets
17:19 – Endgame Content Mythic +
18:19 – Endgame Content Raids
19:13 – Endgame Content PVP
19:51 – Addons
22:33 – Extra Advice
#worldofwarcraft #dragonflight #levelingguide #gamingtips #mmorpg #warcraft #beginnersguide
Video Rating: / 5
Gold Cap in 5 days from 0 – War Within Gold Gap Guide
My journey in the War Within that ended up with me hitting gold cap in under 5 days at the start of the expansion. I started from 0, with no help and we had various hiccups on the way but plenty of lessons to be learnt as to how to approach this in the future.
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These are World of Warcraft gold making videos. Please be aware prices may change and differ from server to server. Additionally please check the upload date on all videos as the information provided in this video may be out of date by th time you see it. prices are constantly changing on the auction house all the time.
The following great resources may have been used during this video as a source of data and/or screenshots.
World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: The War Within is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. All gameplay and footage remains the property of Blizzard Entertainment.
Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20! https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/
The Official World of Warcraft YouTube Channel
I’m Kaychak a World of Warcraft Billionaire who want’s to help you earn all the gold you could ever want. I do this by providing wow gold guides, farming guides and some of the best gold making tips around.
Tweets by kaychakeu
#wowgoldmaking #wowgoldfarm #wowgold
Video Rating: / 5
Want to start playing World of Warcraft, but don’t know where to begin? This Complete Beginner’s Guide to World of Warcraft will teach you everything that the Tutorials do not. How to join a guild, how to run dungeons, and how to pick your class. I cannot wait to see you on Azeroth!
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New Player, Wow introduction, beginner’s guide, tutorials, tips, top 10, Complete Guide, Everything you need to know to play wow, World of warcraft introduction, world of warcraft, wow dragonflight, how to play world of warcraft, world of warcraft tutorial, world of warcraft tutorial 2023, How to play wow 2023 ,how to play wow for free 2023, all world of warcraft classes, complete beginner’s guide, absolute beginners guide, wow, azoroth, warcraft, Dragonflight, how to play dragonflight, guide to dragonflight, wow guide, noob guide, wow help, wow top 10, wow lingo, mmorpg, how to make gold in wow, new player, new, new to wow, alliance, horde
Choosing your class in World of Warcraft can be very overwhelming when just starting to play WoW for the first time. This guide shall help you decide which class and even spec suits you the best or is the most interesting.
Links that can help you to learn more about classes:
Icy Veins: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/
Wow Head: https://de.wowhead.com/classes
Pets for Hunters (Ferocity): https://www.wow-petopia.com/index.php
The Deathknight scene is a tribute to Captaingrim. I really enjoy his videos and wanted to tribute something that relates slightly to him. Yes I know his machinimas are a LOT better =)
0:00 – Intro
0:17 – Warrior
2:47 – Hunter
6:05 – Mage
9:00 – Rogue
12:35 – Priest
15:55 – Paladin
19:29 – Warlock
22:10 – Druid
26:50 – Shaman
29:59 – Monk
33:37 – Demon Hunter
35:39 – Death Knight
38:25 – Evoker
41:17 – Outro and Thanks =)
Video Rating: / 5
Click this link https://sponsr.is/MarcelianOnline and use my code MARCELIANONLINE to get 25% off your first payment for boot.dev. That’s 25% your first month or your first year, depending on the subscription you choose.
Welcome back! Today you’re going to find out the best way to pick a main in 10.2.5! Or an alt! It’s the best time to get into other 10.2.5 classes and the choice pool can be overwhelming, trust me, I know! 10.2 Main class is a hard topic, especially for altoholics so we’re breaking down all the filters we use when picking a main.
If this helped you in any way, let us know in the comments and if you like World of Warcraft content, hit that subscribe as we upload 4 videos per week so there’s always something for you!
Video Rating: / 5
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Worldsoul Memory Event (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0TdrhJneuU)
Glory to the Delver Achievement Guide (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK4xZ9ZJrO4)
Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J1VxzigOWk)
Outro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg)
Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:51 What is a Delve?
01:54 Difficulties
03:20 Delves Available
04:21 Delve Companion
06:13 Bountiful Delves
07:16 Delver’s Journey
07:44 Delver’s Dirigible Mount
08:35 Rewards
11:00 Achievements
11:35 Final Thoughts & Outro
Video Rating: / 5
Battle Pets in World of Warcraft is my favorite feature and a system I plan to cover alot more of in the future!
Here I explain:
My history with Monster Battle Games, why I like Battle Pets in WoW, why it’s a fantastic system, and
how you can experience the system for yourself
0:00 – Intro
0:44 – and then there were Pets
1:12 – Pokemon/Pokemon Go
3:06 – FFBE Mobile
3:55 – Battle Pets take Hold
-The Game Explained & Why I like it-
4:16 – Aquisition
5:50 – Easiest
6:49 – More Difficult
8:15 – Classic to Current Catches
9:03 – Fight!
9:55 – The Mechanics
12:43 – Strats
13:12 – Content Cadience
14:25 – Evergreen
14:44 – Outro
A comprehensive guide to pet leveling with Super Squirt Day. I’ll show you what it is, my favourite Super Squirt Day team and strategy, Pet Exp buffs that will speed things up, recommended pet add-ons, when future Super Squirt Days are coming and why you should bother leveling pets in the first place.
Notes on Rematch! You can import Rematch ‘strings’ to use saved teams and notes from websites like wow-petguide. You’ll need to have the required pets for the strategy learned and leveled in order to use them- the string just contains team details and notes. You’ll need the Rematch addon installed.
Start by copying the string from your source, either a friend or a listed strategy on wow-petguide.com. In-game, open the Rematch interface by opening your pet journal (default keybind Shift P) and ticking the Rematch box at the bottom of the frame. Right click the ‘General’ tab on the right (or any tab you’d like to save the strategy in) and click ‘Import Teams’. Paste the import string into the field, confirm the tab you’d like to save it in and Save. Rematch can now load the strategy when you target the relevant tamer, and pressing the Notes button on the strategy page will load an in-game window with the play by play pet battle notes ready for you.
To import a TDscript, the process is much the same. Copy the desired script from your source. Open the Rematch interface and find the team in the list, using the search bar if needed. Right click the team listing and choose ‘Write Script’. Paste the script into that field, save, and you’re good to go.
Browse strats for this and other fights, get Rematch Strings and TDScripts at https://wow-petguide.com/index.php?Strategy=5679
Get Rematch: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/rematch
Get tdBattlePetScript: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/tdbattlepetscript
tdBattlePetScript Rematch (for importing scripts into Rematch teams) https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/tdbattlepetscript-rematch
Google Doc predicting Super Squirt dates (not mine) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTsSW0wyFbgVlloZu5_lFMg–auVNlqxsNBOxm0Eq-xowjXoOqYTgdVv2V-iV80nGbaibz-x2sKqsE4/pubhtml
0:00 – What is Super Squirt Day?
56:31 – The Team
1:25 – The Strategy
2:38 – XP Buffs.
3:26 – Recommended Addons
4:26 – Why Level More Pets?
5:18 – When is Super Squirt Day?
I also stream on Twitch! If streams are your speed, follow me over at https://www.twitch.tv/hazelnuttygames
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🔗 WoW Guides: https://gaminghero.io/
Top 10 Beginner Tips for World of Warcraft in 2023
1. Choose a High Population Realm on servers near to your region (EU go to EU, NA go to NA). Playing on a High Population Realm will give you more opportunity to play with other WOW players and do more fun content.
2. Choosing a Race: Each race has different racial abilities and some players choose races for doing high level specific content, however the “racial ability” gains are really low and you would be much better off choosing a race you enjoy aesthetically as this could be a character you play for many many years to come.
3. Choosing a Class: Decide if you would like to be a tank, a damage dealer or a healer or if you are unsure of which, go with a class which has some flexibility with those roles such as Druid and Paladin. Remember depending on your class will give your more fun and flexibility so go for a class you think represents you best as a person.
4. BEST way to level in WOW? Well first of all as a new player I highly suggest not Rushing the process of leveling, take your time! As you are a beginner you will need to Exiles Reach when you first start WoW, then following that you will need to do the last expansion to level up (10-50) which is Battle For Azeroth.** **Once levelled up to 50 you will begin the quest to unlock the Shadowlands. The fastest and best way truly is to do quests but I highly advise to enjoy leveling for the first time, do some dungeons maybe even dip a toe into PVP. Ultimately if you don’t care about all of that then Questing will get you to 60 fastest.
5. Use the keyboard, for keybindings. This is important, wow is a very fast paced game when you ding level 60 so using the keyboard to press abilities and use the WASD to move with your mouse it will set you so much further ahead to other players. My dad is 60 years old and he uses keybindings no worries at all so anyone can do it! YES I play wow with my dad… I know its awesome.
6. MOUNT Riding: You will learn how to ride a ground mount at level 20 from your mount specialist in your faction cities and level 30 you will learn how to fly. Then come level 40 you will learn the fastest form of flying.
7. Mythic + When you reach level 60 there are many forms of gameplay for you to get involved in. There are Mythic + which is effective dungeons just like when you level up, but harder, these dungeons give you keystones which unlock harder versions of the same dungeons. If you complete them within time you get great Loot! Many players upon dinging level 60 do a lot of mythic + as they get enjoyment from completing these at the highest level possible, you also get achievements for doing these.
8. PVP (Player VS Player) Another form of gameplay is PVP – Battleground and Arenas. If you are a more new or casual player there are normal battlegrounds & Arenas for you to duke it out fighting other players! But if you are really wanting to get the best gear and PVP Rating then there are Rated Battlegrounds and Rated Arenas where you can fight people of the same rating as you and potentially earn gear if you get a high enough rating. This gameplay is for Competitive players especially.
9. Another form of Gameplay is Raiding. Every new official patch there is a new raid with new gear for you to get. Raids are groups of 10+ players who go into a large area to fight difficult bosses with fun mechanics for you to learn how to combat and avoid. Defeating these bosses will grant you gear and much like Mythic +.
BONUS TIP: When you are level 60 there are currently 2 ZONES for you to explore and complete quests in: Korthia (Kill rares for mounts, complete quests for research etc) and Zereth Mortis a ZONE designed for those of you who love to collect (Find epic mounts, make mounts, find pets, transmogs and enjoy the game to your hearts content).
Top 10 Beginner Tips for World of Warcraft in 2023
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#wowtips #shadowlands #dragonflight2023
Video Rating: / 5
Hello Everyone!
Sorry its been a while since I posted my last video, I was down and out for the count being sick, but its better now.
Since I gave you the Harvesting guide, I wanted to go ahead and give you the Mining Guide now. This is the fastest guide on the fastest way to level Mining in New World plus a bonus spot for stonecutting.
These are from my experience the lowest contested areas for resources and are the easiest to stockpile resources to level your crafting skills or to sell on the Auction House.
The first route is about 10-15 minutes long and can be done from Character level.
The second route is about 2 minutes long and should be done around Character level 50.
The third route is about 2 minutes long and should be done around Character level 50.
The fourth route is about 30 seconds long and should be done around Character level 50.
The fifth route is about 10 minutes long and should be done around Character level 60.
Hope you guys enjoy and happy mining! Rock and Stone!
Video Rating: / 5
A detailed video showing you all you need to know to get Mining from 1-300. There are links in the description, and timestamps in the comments!
▼ Click Show More ▼
≧ Source: Routes
≧ Source: Info
➥ I usually upload short, straight to the point videos. I would spend up to 2 hours per video, but this time I wanted to do it different.
Writing the script alone took me over 5 hours. I spent 4 days working on this and I am quite proud of the result.
I make videos for free, to help you guys! If you would like to support me, you can subscribe to my channel and like the video.
I would love to know what you guys think of this video. I’ve never done this before, so I appreciate all feedback I can get!
Thank you all for watching.
★ Check out these videos! ★
• Rogue Energy Bar + Tick & Combo Points:
• Rogue Low Effort, Easy Gold MACRO:
• Show Health Numbers:
Intro = 00:00
Trainer locations = 00:27
Mining Pick, Find Minerals = 00:42
Enchants, Equip bonus = 01:14
Routes Intro = 01:37
[A] 1-65 = 02:03
[H] 1-65 = 02:28
[A] 65-125 = 02:45
[H] 65-125 = 03:14
125-175 = 03:45
175-250 = 05:07
250-300 = 05:47
300/300 = 06:18
End / PvP clip = 06:28
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Video Rating: / 5