Part 1:

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0:00 – Intro
1:53 – Defensive CD Rotation
9:46 – Preventing Damage
14:44 – Positioning

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FREE Complete Guide:

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Facebook: Tarou Guides

In this guide, I’ll be showing how to start gearing up your fresh 80 with some of the fastest ways possible. The guide will cover simple avenues of pursuing easily obtainable high level epic gear that will ultimately get you into a decent guild or PUGs so you can raid high level content quickly even if you’re new to level 80. This Gearing Up At Level 80 Guide is up-to-date for Patch 3.3.5! Please enjoy this guide and if you have any questions or feedback feel free to post them in the comment section.

While I don’t have a leveling 1-80 guide that completely walks you through every quest and I also don’t really want anyone to spend money on a guide but, if you are going to buy one, I suggest trying out Zygor Leveling Guides. The effort and work that’s put into the ingame addon and guide is pretty amazing but then again expected if you’re paying for it. Here’s a link:

Special thanks to all my friends, subscribers, Adobe, Blizzard, Fraps, and anyone I left out (^_^)v.

Added thanks to Areality, a resto Shaman on Wyrmrest Accord, for being so kind and giving me the Neverending Ice Crystal trinket.

“Now go … tell me a funny or dumb raiding story in the comment section below.”

For me, it’s the time I was left in an Ice Tomb to die. Not cool guildies, not cool.

Guild: Impervious

Server: Arthas – US

Addons: DBM, Recount

Copyright 2010 © Tarou’s WoW Guides
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®

Song: Pilot Error
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
Video Rating: / 5